Another new day, to some there is so much hope, so much promise. I envy those who have so much feeling. To me, there is nothing, it is all just empty and numb. Do these people not realize that life is just a rat race? Nothing more and nothing less, pretty cut and dry. People say it’s the little things in life that make it worth living. What happens when you see past that though? When the little things no longer offer a shred of happiness? Sometimes I fool myself into thinking that I deserve these feelings of hope, and happiness. However, it’s nothing more than a cruel joke. When there is no light at the end of the tunnel, we just wander in the darkness…
So why not wander, and experience this one life we have to live. Sure life is a rat race, but you can choose witch path to run down. Live life the way you want too; and if you want to die, no one will stop you. But if you are going to die anyway- like us all- you might as well make it one hell of a trip.
The moon has nothing to be sad about,
Staring from her hood of bone.
She is used to this sort of thing (death).
Her blacks crackle and drag.
-Sylvia Plath
Could it really be that simple? Why does this feel like an insurmountable obstacle? I want it to be an adventure, I really do. I just feel…unable.
you are going to die anyways so why not just live here for your maximum potential. i guess addiction could be an option. like to sex or something idk. for me id like it to be work so i can make lots of dough to hire prostitutes with. I’m bout to be kicked out of school for breaking a window so I’m going to have to work somewhere. school wasn’t for me anyways
you are going to die anyways so why not just live here for your maximum potential. i guess addiction could be an option. like to sex or something idk. for me id like it to be work so i can make lots of dough to hire prostitutes with. I’m bout to be kicked out of school for breaking a window so I’m going to have to work somewhere. school wasn’t for me anyways
acoles1619 Its not that simple. It takes lots of work, and never giving up on your hopes and dreams. It wont happen over night. But It can happen if it’s what you really want in life.
I appreciate the support. 🙂 It is difficult at times as my mood swings back and forth radically. I try to stay positive when my mind allows. It’s tricky because I have seen different doctors/psychiatrists, what have you. They all tell me something different, dysthymia, clinical depression, manic depressive, bipolar. Who the hell knows.