I used to use tv as an escape. Like I hated my own life so much, though it was so pathetic and meaningless, that I would just sit and watch tv all day long- to get invested in character’s live and live vicariously through theres because they had something significant with their stories. Now just watching tv makes me feel even more depressed. I can’t stand the fact that my life is no where near what it should be and watching tv just makes met feel even more inadequate about my own. So now its like the only thing that kept me even somewhat sane is just a reminder of how much of a loser– not even a loser because at least losers have friends– but just a reminder of how I don’t fit in anywhere in this world
i know what you are saying… i rarely watch tv myself
What sort of life is there on tv that’s worth wishing for?
one that happens to be a million times better than your own
Television is a drug. It can alter your mind and brainwash you. It’s addictive, poisonous, and dangerous. I only watch television once a day to watch one t.v show. Other than that, I rarely watch it. I prefer music or writing.
tv dosn’t show real life so don’t use it as a point of orientation. look up NLP (neuro linguistic programing) that is why you feel even more worse. tv is one of the most effective brainwash instruments ever invented. there are several channels which can drop your IQ form good 100 to 0 in seconds 😉