I took eight advils like three days ago, I am 12 years old a female, why didnt I die? I also cut myself on that day too…… Is there a very cheap way to die? oh ya and it would be nice if it was a fast way too…..I cant die with the car way because I dont have a garage…. If you could give me a link on how to tie a noose that would be great…..The only thing I am worried about is my boyfriend……or being discovered on the act of killing myself….
The advils didn’t kill you because it’s pretty hard to kill yourself with over the counter medications! There’s plenty of cheep and free ways of killing yourself, you could always put your head on a rail road track a d wait for a train!
But can I just say, that I had a friend to kill herself recently and it’s pretty much destroyed everyone that was close to her.
It was a permanent solution to a temporary problem :/
Sweetie, you’re only 12. That makes me so sad really. I wish I could make things better for you, hug you and promise that things can get better later in life cause it’s true.
Your really young to be in so much pain that you wish to end your life, yet I understand it. I was in pain as a 12 year old yet probably for different reasons.
There really isn’t any difference pain is pain no matter the cause.
Try to hang in there, have you ever heard of the Serenity Prayer, google it, its really simple and can be said many times a day when things turn bad.
i know how you feel, but i dont understand the reasons. all i can say is wait. i’ve wanted to die ever since i was young, after traumatic experiences. but if i had, i wouldnt have gotten the chance to do some of the great things i got to do that actually made my life worth living at the time. and even now i still like to think theres a couple good surprises waiting around the corner.
Around the coner can be rapiests,petivilies, my mom, abusiers, boyfriends that will break my heart, drugs, more flailures, and people that will mug you
I took 25 Advil when I was 12 not to die but to “get high” it worked and ya…. it didn’t even come close to killing me! Just so others know.