There are 1,600 people in my school and I feel so alone. I have a lot of friends, but I can never truly be myself around them. No one understands me and they all think I’m weird if I say the “wrong” thing, so I have built a wall between me and them. The only person who I can truly be myself around has moved thousands of miles away /: It just makes me so frustrated that out of all my friends at school, none of them truly know me.
I can relate to this 100%… even with the number of people at your school- i have the same amount at my school
completely relatable…why i wish we could all go to skool together…(we’d have a bigger better group then all the bitches/douches) i ALWAYS feel alone at skool, im at a new school now so i cant let ANYONE know a damn thing..makes it kinda hard answering questions:/ but point is u aint alone…XD
can relate to this, i couldn’t ever be myself at school, even outside when i went out with my friends, had to put a mask, that was 1of the reasons i entered on depression while in highschool.
Ive been there too and it sucked. My suggestion now is to be yourself, those who care dont matter and those who matter dont care.
I know the felling my school is 2,000 kids and over 5oo in my grade alone and i seem to be friends with all of them but i cant talk to any of them and because of my past i cant trust at all one of my closest friends moved to another country and another one of mine committed suicide 1 month ago and they where some of the only people i could talk to.