It’s interesting seeing some of the drama arguments on this site, I’m not having a go at anyone in particular but it seems many people just haven’t bothered reading the READ THIS FIRST MESSAGE before getting involved in this site.
The Suicide Project is a website devoted to allowing people to share their stories of desperation and depression… and ultimately of hope. We hope that by allowing people to share their stories of despair with one another, they can find a reason to live, a reason to survive another minute. Another hour. Another day.
This is not a place to share suicide methods.
This is not a place to find a suicide partner.
This is not a place to preach the gospel.
This is not a place to post random stuff on random topics.
This is not a place to spout hate.
(If you find someone doing any of the above, please use the “Report post or comments†link available on any post.)
This is not a place to expect that you will find someone who is going to intervene in your real life about the things you post here. No one will.
What this is is a safe place to share your story with others. Not to make desperate, last minute pleas, or to beg someone to help you do it. No one will.
This is, simply, a place to share your suicide story. And hopefully find hope for your future after doing so.
Please Note: Everything you post here is PUBLIC and indexed by search engines like Google. Please post accordingly. DO NOT POST YOUR REAL NAME and we strongly advise against sharing an email address that you use in your daily life (primarily because spam-bots will pick up your email address and you will be spammed).
PPPS – If you are actively suicidal, we recommend that you read this first or pick up the phone and reach out to someone. If you feel you can’t reach out to someone in your life, consider calling the prevention hotline at 800-273-TALK.
Thanks, we all need these reminders from time to time, we are many people with many issues, mental, emotional, and physical problems. Somtimes the site does get off course with the disscussion of methods, I have been guilty of this at times, yet more often than not I refrain from it and encourage others not to disscuss the methods, at least not here at SP.
Good reminder…nice.