take me way to a better place things havent been so great down here theres evil everywhere in the deep and darkest place and right in the light right infront of your face looking at you watching you as you look over your shlouder wondering when they will strick when they will take you away when they will make your life even worse then it already is… some people have an angel watching over them others have a demon making things worse for them every corner they take every move they make watching them as you sit there not kowning what to do next how things are gonna work out if its the right way or the wrong way you sit there alone in the corner holding your legs close to your chest crying out your fears waiting for it all to end waiting for things to get better [praying things will sitting there crying waiting
No one can change the way you feel, it something you’ll have to master. Something you’ll have to find in your self. But the one thing I can’t stand by an just accept is you feeling alone. Your not. An I know that means nothing coming from a complete stranger, but its that lonelyness that in a strange way bring us together. I truly know how it feels to be alone, an it makes me angry, not sad. Angry to know there’s other that feel this way, that can’t bare to even stand in this world let alone be heard. But ill listen. Noone can ever change the way you feel. But I’ll sit in that corner with you, for aslong as you need, just to make sure its a little bit brighter.
I used to believe in angels. In fact, I was in love with them. Used to collect stickers and loved any song that mentioned that beautiful word. I don’t believe in them anymore. Demons are the ones we create in our heads. Don’t know how to stop them but I know that they are only real in my mind. Hope you can defeat your demons. I am not sure I can.