I have an overwelming desire to end it all I have a two hour window oftime to plan how Ireally dont know what to Itryed many times before I’m a failiar
I have an overwelming desire to end it all I have a two hour window oftime to plan how Ireally dont know what to Itryed many times before I’m a failiar
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I would hope you haven’t ended your life now for whatever reason it may be. I too have a strong desire to end my life. Maybe talking with each other could help
I’m still here suffering silently in a house filled with medication I could end it with I’m so struggling not to eat the lot but I can’t handle failiar and hospital
Maybe you’re just panicking? 2 hours is not long…
Honey you know it’s not always this way… Try to relax and remember the good times?
I’ve been eating clonazepam like smarties would be great to not wake up in the morning
No you don’t want to end up in hospital… Where is yr husband?
Molly, you have to hold it together. Is there anyone you can call.
@ one day my husband is upstairs I’ve been on the couch all day crying popping clonaz
@duke my ex psychologist just rang and wants to meet me in the morning she knows I’m not too great
I sent a cry for help to Lynley my psychologist she just said go to bed and rest fuck how can I do that when all the pills are in there
I have slept in days and I just feel sick. I’m not going in to work today so will be around if you need to talk.
I’m going to go to bed swallow some more tranqs and put my head under the pillow
Ok. Your not alone ok, you can talk to me whenever you like
Thanks duke
Don’t thank me just do it. I’m not ashamed to admit that I love you on a suicide site. Even though we haven’t been in contact much lately doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you and everything you did for me in the past.
I’m feeling a bit better today.im being dragged out by a friend who is a psychologist that should be interesting
I woke up crying how wacked is that I still feel like a bucket of shit but a little less suisidal today
Me too Molly. I hope you have a nice day with your friend
i dont think ive really told my tale properly on this site and some of you dont know me and cant relate so i thought i would write it down get it off my chest.im currently quite depressed im on heaps of medication clonazepam xanax lamotrigine solian seraquel as well.im not fucken impressed that the cocktail isnt worki it really makes me desperate.i have suisidal thoughts most of the time and dream of crashing my car on teh motorway or swallowing every pill i have and take mmeasures to prevent me being sick.what i also fight with is the guilt of what ive put my family through already as i have attempted suiside 13 times using mutiple methods and to no avail each time someone turned up and spoilt it and dragged me off to hospital.ive been married for 10 years now and up till about three years i was symptom free but now it has reared its head well and truely.my bipolar seems to be running the show i dont know what im going to be like one day to the next.ive lost 2 kg in the last week and sleep alot ive been eating clonazepam like smarties to get me through the day.i dont know how i arrived at this state but i feel like im wading in thick mud and there is only so much a person can take really.oh i also thought about taking a whole lot of tranquilizers and sit on a cliff till i fall off that would take the drama out of actually getting up the nerve.im frightened of living like this but i also realise dying will not make the pain go away just leave me dead cold in the ground.that is my sobering thought that stops me just running off and carrying out one of my ideas.i see my shrink this tuesday and im wondering what to tell him im terrified of hospitals not to mention the stress it would cause my husband.last time i saw him i was fine but that was three weeks ago and i seem to get depressed once a month this is the depression right now and the severity is pretty high.everyday is torture and i find myself crying all the time crying with frustration i cant deside what to do but i cant go on like this i just cant i wish someone would put me out of my misery