Why is it that the girl i love the most either helps me out of my depressions, or brings me to my knees? And also random question (sorry ADD) but why can some birds fly and others can’t?
Why is it that the girl i love the most either helps me out of my depressions, or brings me to my knees? And also random question (sorry ADD) but why can some birds fly and others can’t?
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ostriches kiwis turkeys penguins and rheas Can not fly. But all dream about it. To fly a dream of men and flyless birds alike. Some time’s i wish i was a penguin.
none of the birds that I see at the local grocery can fly either….
but smear some BBQ sauce on them and YUM…..
talk to me, goose
Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are it solely relies on what you think. Buddha
What the hell did Buddha know.
hehehehe awesome guys, loved those amazing birds (i had chicken just now 🙂 )