It really feels like my brain is corroding, I shake my head violently in some sad attempt to “wake up” I feel like i am always trapped in a dream state, spacing out. Been physically sick for around 2 years now, unsure of what the cause is, ive been to many doctors, had many tests done, they cant find anything. what can i do if I still feel sick constanly but doctors cant solve it? what else is there to try? ive gone through my head endlessly making lists of the symptoms and trying to put together some diagnosis but I cant figure it out
Have you been diagnosed with Depersonalization disorder?
I havent been to a doctor in over a year, and the spacing out stuff started more recently than that, but sounds like that might be it
I’d recommend seeing a professional; i think Depersonalization disorder is best treated with psychological resouces available. Perhaps they’d be able to provide you with coping or “grounding” techniques. If you can’t afford one there’s a bit of information here on the internet that may help you.
That is, if you do indeed have it. Of course a proper medical diognosis is the only way to know for sure.
But my biggest concern is what do I do about being sick and having the doctors unable to figure it out. Its completely put a stop on my whole life becuase I dont even get out of bed becuase i feel like whats the point im sick
im reffering more to stomach/head pain than the spacing out part, I just threw both problems in the post to avoid having to make 2 posts but I dont think they are related
I don’t know a lot about these sorts of things, but i’ve heard many stories of people with unexplained sicknesses who have strange conditions like parasites or tumors in the brain, or something odd like that. I’m not trying to worry you, but maybe you could ask the doctor for an mri or something.
There has to be some cause: it’s just a matter of figuring it out.
Ive wanted an mri for over a year but Im still on my parents medical plan and they rufused to let me get an mri, and since ive had other tests they are convinced an mri would be useless
Hmm, that’s unfortunate. I have to go to bed now, but in the mean time as a recommendation there are lots of medical health forums that you could sign up for and see if anyone can help you identifiy the cause of your sickness.
medhelp is probably the best, and it actually has professionals on it. Write a post with every detail about your ailments and who knows, someone may be able to figure out what it is.
Do alot of research, you may stumble upon someone who’s had a similar experience.
I wish you luck friend! Goodnight.
alright thanks, i’ll try that
What are you symptons wolf?