every weekend i try to reach out to people. every weekend i fail and realize how badly i need to die. everyone else’s lives are so much more full than mine, i will always be alone because I’m not real, not a whole person, not complete.
Ugh, know how that feels.. Honestly, I just need to give up on people and start collecting cats.
I think every person is complete but when people dont see us we feel like that
I thing no one is really complete with out sp over 21 chat.
Ok bad joke. Why feel so not completed for.? Age Maybe.
Seeking to be complete and fulfilled is something we all share.
I don’t think it’s possible for me. For as long as I can remember I’ve felt broken, like I’m not a properly made human. I think something is just inherently wrong with me.
my landlords won’t even let me have a cat, I wish I could collect some