Does anyone know how to stop cutting? I haven’t cut in about a month but it’s like my body is craving it. Every time someone mentions a knife or cutting of some sort my hands kind of start shaking. Weird I know. But I really don’t want to cut myself anymore. Does anyone know how to stop for good ?
i went years without cutting. and the best way to keep your mind off it, is just to find alternatives. when youre feeling mad or sad, cry it out. just cry …. for as long as you need. punch ur pillow, ur bed, anything that wont cause self harm. and in the end, i just cry myself to sleep…its always good to sleep after an emotional breakdown before u drive urself insane.
The butterfly project. Google it. Or like can you talk to your DR about it.?
try a rubber band, snap it against your wrists when you want to cut, but most people use to quit cutting if your already there don’t start the band
Hmm I might try the Butterfly Project … I’ve heard people talk about that.
One way, i haven’t really tried it, is to hold some ice in your hand. It has the pain but it doesn’t harm you. I think it’ll help 🙂
Honestly, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever tried to do and it’s still a struggle even after starting 9 years ago. I’ve stopped and then started again and now I’ve stopped for the past 2 years. I used the rubber band thing now. I also don’t do it on my wrist anymore, usually on my leg or somewhere easier to cover. But this could just be me, I’m a huge athlete, so whenever I feel the urge to self-harm, I run or bike for hours. This helps calm my mind and gives me the physical pain all at once. If all else fails or I’m completely paralyzed by the urge to cut, snap a few rubber bands first and then wait. Trying to distract my mind by writing or music also helps. It’s always something different for everyone so just try a lot of things and see what works for you. It might just take a little trial and error. I know how hard this is so good luck. I’m hoping you can break the vicious cycle.
fallenangel7- I’ve tried the rubber band thing it didn’t work for me
Gumpy- Hmm, i’ll give it a try.
it is one of the hardest things. Ive been trying to stop myself for a few weeks and so far no luck. my friend recently showed me the butterfly project. It has helped me and i went 2 days without cutting. try it… even if it dosent completely help going a few days is better than nothing. stay strong <3 (oh and i completely know what you mean about HAVING to cut and getting like an itchy tingly sensation and the urge to cut… it sucks)
Thank you all for your advices, I’m going to try them and hopefully one of them will help.
@BeautyISSkinDeep – you know the rubber band thing didn’t really work for me at first either! But actually I found I just needed to do it longer/harder. That usually meant more time, but what did I care. Eventually this will leave a nasty bruise but it’s more temporary. Anyway, I found that usually snapping 2 or 3 thick rubber bands together work the best. One little one does nothing for me. Also a more sensitive spot feels better too. Sorry I don’t mean to encourage self-harm. I know eventually the goal is to not have to resort to it at all. Just letting you know my first experience wasn’t very helpful either.
Go outside and run until you think you are going to die from running.
Silencer22- I’ll try it, anything other than cutting is good right now.
jjgirl13- Well I run 3 miles everyday, so since i’m use to running a lot it doesn’t really help. It kind of makes me think about cutting more.
I’m just glad you want to stop cutting. I know how hard it is to stop. The firsts step is always realizing that you want change.