Recently my best friend(Shania), who I am so close to I consider a sister, lied to me. We started fighting when she started dating a guy named Anthony… When they were dating I told her “If you two do anything then you will loose respect that I have for you.” she told me she wouldn’t… they ended breaking up a few months later, then a few weeks later everyone started calling her ‘Squirt’ or ‘Squirtle’. I then asked them why they were calling her that, so they told me “Anthony and her had sex in the back of his car and it was all wet.” the next day I told Maddie “I don’t know what or who to believe if they did or didn’t have sex.”…Maddie told me “Oh it’s true, they did do it. Anthony texted me and told me they did it. So I texted Nia and said ‘So you and Anthony had sex?’ Shania replied ‘Yeah we did'”…..I was beyond pissed…. So I texted Shania saying “We need to talk.”, she called me saying “Want to talk now?” I told her yes. So I went to talk to her, before she could even say anything I yelled “You lied to me”, she said “What?”, I told her “You lied to me about having sex with Anthony.” She of course said “EW, why would I want to have sex with him?” I yelled “You fucking admitted it to Maddie, don’t fucking lie to me.” She said “Wow” and I walked off. Later that day she talked to Maddie saying “So you told Sabrina?” Maddie said “Yeah I did, she deserves to know.” Shania said “Well she wasn’t supposed to know”….. I can’t stop thinking about it. She said she was really sorry, I told her “Saying sorry just isn’t going to be enough this time.”……I don’t know if I’m mad or sad. Maybe I am feeling both, I just don’t want to lose her, she is the closest friend I have ever had… I literally cry because of how much I don’t want to lose her, I just am so mad at her for lying to me about it…..I don’t know what to do….
Must be guys named Anthony. The guy I am I. Love with did the same thing to me.
I just gotta say I am so sorry that she was being such a bitchy friend (over stepping line??) but I would totally say “Yeah it’s not gonna work out”. Friends don’t do that to people, and I believe a lot of people would agree that they haven’t found THE perfect friend, but they’re still looking. Also, you made the good point about telling her she’ll lose your respect, because it may be the only reason why she had sex with him was because she was probably pressured or she was like “Yeah I want to have a good time and seem all bad ass”, who knows because she may not even admit it to herself. Your friend, Mindy, sounds like a good friend, because there shouldn’t be a need to hide things from you close-enough-sister. My teacher always said to give people 3 chances, but I don’t think that rule applies to people who are your friend. I say give her one more small chance, like a little test that should be easily fool-proof and easy to pass, or something that requires a test of total and complete trust, because that is what a friend is there for; trust. If nothing works with her, she can’t be that good of a friend, so (I reallly don’t like saying this) but you may need to push her on her butt and leave her there while she feels sorry for herself and she knows what she lost. I wouldn’t advise that you go back to being friends afterrwards, because trust is a very delicate thing. Good luck.
People are like that.
I couldn’t even tell you if this post is fiction or fact, but people are like that.
So it has the ring of truth.