Hey All,
I am new to trying to be smarter then the website to post. I am a depressed, rather pathetic man who threw away job, life, bank accounts and friends for chemicals. I think some people have a ‘point of no return’ and once they have reached it they off themselves or just keep doing the same unhealthy thing whatever that may be. I wonder why the homeless drug addict would get up everyday just to chase it or the person who has been homeless,etc. That said I did read a rather interesting book thats seemingly objective as it really presents good information on both for and against if you will suicide. Its called Fixing to Die. And can someone please tell the dumb @#$% people who say “well if you were going to do it you would have done it by now” or “you want to die so you shouldn’t have any problems” Well grab any article, book or otherwise and tell me the efficacy of methods. Having workeds with patients who had to have face reconstructed due to self inflected gun shot wound. Ok thats all had to say.
“I’d rather be dead cus’ I’m pissed off and mad at the world I don’t have no girl or no money everythings sad but funny”
Excuse me taco now back to business!
The thing that keeps people from actually committing suicide is HOPE as long as you have an ounce of it you won’t do it.even if your so depressed, so broke, and you feel like throwing in the towel it’s hope that keeps you going, even if you say to yourself there is no hope and tell everybody there’s no hope, it doesn’t matter if your brain knows better, it’s awfully hard to fool your brain when it knows better ,you can try to convince yourself that’s it’s hopeless but your brain isn’t going to buy it if it’s not true. You lost things in life you can get them back if you really want too. Sure it’s hard to turn things around and it’s a ***** and you been there done that, but if you can then there is hope, you can procrastinate forever but if it can be done its still hope.
As Bruce Willis would say “WELCOME TO THE PARTY PALâ€
What about fear?
I liked the end quote. I dig your post. I concur that hope is what keeps vast majority of people alive. I would respectfully disagree its why all people. I was thinking the other day if suicide was simply the press of a button and not some difficult methods(the efficacy of suicide is very low) or if it was one pill easily obtained then there wouldn’t be this ‘well your doing this for attention’ or ‘you must still want to be alive’ If that button was here or if that pill I would take it. I admire and respect those people who try to help people not to of themselves. But what I can’t understand is why my life is not my own? And as stated whats wrong with having been through hell with more hell on the horizon and saying no mas? Its almost the same reason we keep our grandparents,parents alive well past any quality of life to remain. The living are so attached they don’t care about the person. Well thats all for now.
Nothing wrong with saying no mas, Taco1818, I’ve been saying no mas this turn around for the last two months. If I only had an assuredly lethal injection, but I remain to afraid to attempt suicide for two reasons: 1) The nightmare of making my living nightmare an even worse living nightmare, perhaps leaving myself incapable of killing myself, and 2) I experience brief respites of hope, which although I rationally have now figured out are actually ‘false’ hopes, because they are unrealistic.
I wonder why our society thinks any thoughts of suicide are irrational? Then apparently I have to be on par with every $#^%$^& person out there in terms of what I can handle in terms of pain/suffering. There is no greater pain then the one the indiviual feels. I hear you on your first reason to pause I saw at least a dozen people with self inflicted gun shot wounds where the doctor would reconstruct the face. Sadly there were some repeaters. Why does this world force me to live? And why would I be selfish if I couldn’t deal with life and sure as hell the same ones who say I am selfish likely are ones not being a friend,family member or help to those in need. Out of curiosity what things give you the hope albeit false? I keep thinking this was my destiny all along.
*because they are unrealistic, but they keep me hanging on.