Why do i make my moms life harder? Â Everyone looks down on me and wishes i wasnt around. Maye i shoudnt be around. Maybe their lives would be better
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Why do i make my moms life harder? Â Everyone looks down on me and wishes i wasnt around. Maye i shoudnt be around. Maybe their lives would be better
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Hey Angelicadenise,
You’re still alive so that there is already something. Do you feel like something “wants” you dead? Or rather, you deserve to die? Maybe their lives [wouldn’t] be better with you gone. Something still needs you and wants you alive. Stay alive. I don’t think anyone “deserves” to die to be honest. I see you have joined SP today, unless you deleted your former posts. Yes, I have read all three you have published. People here already care about you- even if they say nothing, or they haven’t even talked to you. Please hang in there. You’re strong, you can do it. No one here will look down on you.
I’m here if you want to talk.