I feel like ive missed a step on a very steep never ending staircase and unable to stop myself from tumbling down each little step. Going down.. Down.. Down. I see nothing but darkness as each little stair makes it’s own mark on my torn fragile skin.. Warm salty tears kissing my chin goodbye as they splatter on any surface below them. Hoping that I stop soon but both me and the darkness know it isn’t going to happen.. So I’m waiting for my body to become so broken and shattered that my soul has no choice but to leave it. The tears still making the little river path for the followers behind to fall upon something that will hold them tightly.. They’re so lonely that they too want somewhere else to be besides on my cold skin. I’m still tumbling down slowly but surely.. Trying to catch my breath and take each individual blow but the pain is building from being hit over and over in the same spot.. Whincing at the now uncontrollable pain.. Ready to let go when my body tells me to.. When I finally realize that this staircase is never going to end..,
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Hello Darien…sorry things are so dark right now. Your post was beautiful…but sad. I hear ya…I’ve been ya…do me a favour…next time take a page from my book if you will…hahaha. The next time you see yourself falling…jump…it hurts less than flailing your arms and legs about…haha Seriously…take this dark night of the soul as an occasion to create something new and leave behind something as you go. But for now…just sit down upon the step…breathe…and know that unfortunately you are not alone…it just feels like it. Nice to see you on the staircase of life…awesome analogy btw. Just sit on the step…there is no where to go…not today…and tell us some of the good things about yourself if you would. Extremely intelligent I already can surmise…sometimes that just makes it harder for us…we out think ourselves as well as the professionals…sigh. Hey…any cupcakes in the kitchen? You just stay on your step and I’ll go and get us one…chocolate? or vanilla?…lol
Wishing you peace no matter what