i Have my Moments Of suicidal thouqhts But Talkinq To someone Always Helpm. . . Im Here If anyone Wannts to Talk
i Have my Moments Of suicidal thouqhts But Talkinq To someone Always Helpm. . . Im Here If anyone Wannts to Talk
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whats happening???
Tell me your story! I’ll gladly listen and share my thoughts with you!
Im fine as of Now . Im Just Lettinq yuu alll knoe If yuu are All ever In Need of someone Im Here For yuu
Awww that’s good, uniquee… 🙂
Like you, I’m here for anyone who needs to be listened to!
thats Great To Knoe . Most People In the World contribute To Peoples Suicides b Makinq situations owrse By bullyinq and Such . Its allways Good To Knoe that there are Still People Out there yuu Can Talk To (:
I completely agree and although I’m not necessarily stable right now ill do whatever I can to listen if you ever need it. Some people don’t realize that were reaching out for help and not just looking for attention.. until its too late..
is anyone there, please help me …..please ………………………………….i feel like jumping off the roof
Whats Wronq
Im Here If Yuu Need Someone To Talk To
i wish to jump off the roof……i have gambled away everything i have and more………today is my daughter’s b day and i feel so pathetic for being so irresponsible ……….i have been doing it for years now ….. i dont trust myself any more ………i cant forgive myself anymore ……………i m sorry for being crazy irresponsible ……..
Yuu Have Made mistakes
But who Doesnt.? the Worse Mistake Is Not Beinq Able to Learn From Those Mistake
Show Yur dauqhter Yur A better Man And Father And Learn from Yur mistakes takinq Yur life Will Only Make It worse On Yuu Yur dauqhter And Loved Ones
unique ….i am making mistakes for ages now …………..and i have never learnt from my mistakes ……………had i learnt from my mistakes, i would have been much better off………..life has given my chance everytime …..you would believe… i have been acting irresponsible from last many years…….everytime i told myself i will not do it again …but i will go it again……..i have no complaint with god ……..God has given me chance many times…..it is me who failed God and myself ….i failed my daughter, my wife…my family , my loved ones , my friends…………i think its time to let go ……..its time when even god cant forgive me……….i think the time has come when i have to let go of this miserable self ….myself…..thanks for being there in these moments of truth unique……………
So Now That Yuu Jave Realized How Bad It Has Gotten It Is The perfect Time To Improve Yurself
It wont Be Easy But One Step At A Time with The Help Of Yur loved Ones
. God Forqive Those Who Realized The Riqht Even At The Worse Time
Dont Let Go Of A life Just Because Of The Past
Yuu Have A Future Ahead Of Yur Life With A wife Dauqhter And family. There Is always Time To Chanqe
no one is gonna trust me anymore ………i would not trust me……….i think …..i dont deserve to live anymore…….ibut it hurts me more that my daughter will not have father………….but i guess , so many people die everyday……everyone has family ….so dying is not so bad……..i gues.s…….thanks unique………death is the only punishment i deserve…….
I Ttust Yuu . I Knoe Yuu Can Chanqe. Earn Yut Trust From Yur Loved Ones. I Knoe Yur Dauqhter Will beProud To See Yuu Chanqe
Im 16 And I would Never Wanna Knoe My Dad Dies Because Of Mistakes He has Me. She Will Forqive Yuu But Yuu Have To Prove That Yur Chanqinq. I Knoe Yuu Can Better Yurself
Yuu just needa Believe In Yurself
One thing you can do, amit, is talk with your family if they will listen to you.
If you doubt that you will be listened to, write them a letter.
Tell them all that you feel about them, what you realise you could have done better and how you could have dealt with things better, and let them know how you plan to repair the familial relationships. Let them know that you love them you need their love too.
Let them know that time will prove that you are trustworthy and you are willing to change for them and for your own good.
Staying alive and fixing as much as you can will make you an honorable man, dad, and husband. Committing suicide will make you otherwise.
Am sure your dad would think the same. Make your father proud.
thanks unique……… do i deserve another chance………?
yes, you deserve another chance. And hopefully, you cherish this chance and use it wisely.
thanks peace………….do i deserve another chance….?
You deserve it if you’ll really try and fix things with your family.
i feel ashamed talking to my family and friends that i gambled away so much ……….and by sharing the facts….. my family would also be depressed…….they look upto me for being a provider, protector……giver, and once they know i gambled their future… they will be devastated………today , they dont know anythin……….so they laugh, smile …..play….that has made me go on till dayte…..but once i break this out to them…..their peace will be gone……………i cant handle that as you know by know. ..how broke i am emotionally ………
Amit: you made a mistake, we all do. Your only human !
You have to tell your family, yeah they will be upset, but they can support you, help you.
You need to take responsibility for your actions and not run away. And you need to try to fix the problem. I’m sure you can do it, and then be an even better dad and husband
Hmm, amit, I see what you mean… the regretful feeling can be overwhelming…
I’m not sure if this will work for you but I think that it’ll be best if you have a conversation with only your wife and ask her to be prepared for some bad news. Warn her that it’s a bad habit that you have to tell her. Assure her before you tell the news that you’re not trying to fool her or cause her trouble. Remind her that you don’t want your family to break apart or fight and you will do your best to fix everything and you will need her support at the same time. Then spill the beans.
Hopefully, that way, things will turn out better than you think. I wish you all the best, amit. And please do keep us posted.
thanks peace , my wife has histry of depression……………i dont think she can handle all this ………and i shared all this with two friends… one has stopped talking to me…..other gets troubled too much with my pain so she avoids me……….if a person is not mature as you are here……..i belive it will make things worse ……..i m sorry …peace. however…i think you people made me realise howsoever idiot i am and even when i have been pathetically irresponsible , i still deserve another chance to make amends………..
Oh amit… well, this again proves you’re a good and loving man – you’re so considerate of your wife’s feelings and your daughter’s feelings! They definitely need you!
Yes, you can make amends and you know you can do it! 🙂 Keep reminding yourself that and don’t give up!
Be your family’s hero and fight on! 😀
thanks , i will survive today……taking one day at a time……
All the best.
If you need any ideas or anyone to talk to, feel free to email me at keezheeconi@hotmail.com
Yuu Do Deserve Another Chance . Make Yur Dauqhter Proud And Chanqe. I knoe Yuu Can In Provee Yurself (:
If Yuu Ever Need Anyone Im here (: