I cant cope anymore, ive been riddled with a thousand bullets of guilt ive taken myself to the darkest places trying to make this right but all i do is fuck it up i dont want to end my own suffering i want to end the suffering of the person ive hurt the only thing is i know suicide wont help that but i cant help feel that its the only escape the people you leave behind will hurt but those wounds will heal and right now i feel mine wont till i rid the world of my self destructive malestrom this is my last cry for help :'(
As long as you’re still alive you can CHANGE things. You can ALWAYS change things to the better! Because once you’re dead, you’re dead. You can no longer do anything. Suicide takes away TOO many options for it to be anything BUT bad.
And we can help you get through all this. Talk to us and we’ll advise and help. You just have to WANT help. Because it WILL get better 😀
Did you notice how you wrote “right now”? Yes, right now, but you can tough it through. Have a good long cry if you need too; crying gets rid of the stress chemical in your body.
But it is temporary, remember. c: