Is it possible that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel? Or am I just going to spiral more out of control? Could there possibly be a reason for me? Or am I just getting my hopes up to be crushed again? Maybe I am wanted here? But maybe I’m just background noise. I’m doing everything wrong, I don’t understand why I just can’t do anything right. One slip up and nobody will forget it. Maybe I should just get used to it?
sounds to me that you need to learn from your mistakes if you don’t nothing changes.i have a hard time doing it myself.
I just don’t understand what I do wrong…
You can’t possibly do everything wrong and dont think like that. Concentrate on thinking what you did right. You came here to SP. I think that was right.
You talked about it so that was right too. These may seem like little things but it proves that you are doing very many right things. Just keep trying. There’s always a light.