Nothing makes sense anymore. My life feels like a blur. I can’t think straight. I’m 17 and pregnant, with no one to help me. I just want it all to end. The dad is “embarrassed” to be called a “daddy”. He isn’t the one who has to deal with people’s rumors, and bad talks people say behind my back. He doesn’t have to come to school where every one knows I’m pregnant. He doesn’t have to carry this baby for none months, and deal with the pain, and symptoms, he doesn’t have to go to non stop appointments. I am living in a night mare. Where everything is out to get me it seems. My life just moves with everything else. School’s never been so stressful. Friends have never been so annoying. People’s rumors are getting old and stupid. Parents always just yell, and worry to much. I never can just sit and think about myself. It’s always everyone else, and the baby. I want to give up so bad, but this life I’m carrying inside me, is the only thing, that keeps me going every single day. I want this baby to have a good life, and a good mom, and I will do my best to make him or her as happy as possible, even if that means me being not happy.
You CAN be happy, jhv. 🙂
We’re here for you. You can talk to us if everyone else makes you feel like crap. We’ll listen to you.
Also, if you’re feeling a little suffocated, tell everyone you’d like some alone time and take small walks in the park. Pick some flowers, make a mini-snowman if it’s snowing, read a book in the park… Just be in the fresh air. Because if you’re feeling happy, then so is your baby. If you feel sad, so does your baby. You can go outside and clear your head.
Also, fuck other people. Most of them don’t know what being pregnant means. Just ignore them. Or, if they want to truly help, then accept the help. Also, help other people, that gives you energy and lifts your spirits. It’s cliche as fuck, but it works.
Is the baby’s father willing to spend the rest of his life with you, or has he abandoned you completely?
He abandoned me.. after being together for a year
hvtfcjkhjm nvjh,
I’m sorry about your situation I really feel for you, you are so young, it’s unbelievable what can happen from unprotected sex,I’m not lecturing you it’s just a real fact,sex is so…….simple and fun but now look at the results, really sorry, but now I’m going to tell you you’re not the only girl that has had this happen to, you my dear have no choice but to toughen up and grow up, your child needs you to, and whether you like it or not you are an adult now, so no.1 start looking at this situation as a positive thing.
No.2 remember you are going to be a mother you’re not like your friends anymore.
No.3 ok now you have a change in plans it could be worse you could have lost your legs or something.
No.4 boy I hate writing this! I want to make you feel better but I don’t know what to say.
No.5 this is one of the hardest post I’ve ever replied too I’m really sorry.
No.6 be strong ,be brave, accept the situation and start forming a plan figure you’re on your own, wow I really hate saying that to!
No.7 it will work out, you will make it work out, roll up your sleeves and take a deep breath, and relax and just do what needs to be done.
PS Sorry if I sound like a jerk.
A little advice for your next relationship; people, when in love, are blind to each other’s faults for at least two years, sometimes three. They will see each other from behind pink glasses, as they say. It’s good to wait with marriage and family making until you’ve both seen each other’s faults. Keep that in mind in your next relationship. 🙂
Right now, though, you have to keep going. It WILL get better. As long as you’re alive you can always make choices that lead to a good life. But once you’re dead, it’s done. You will no longer be able to do anything and not even experience the joys of motherhood. Keep going, we’re all here, helping you get through all this! 😀
I like Sinine advice a lot better I’ve never been a dad or had a daughter.
rocketman, you can still try 🙂 it’s not too late.
i try all the time! as much as i can it’s hard work you know!
But honestly i know i would make a good dad if i had too!
I just never planned on it. i think that’s why i feel this girls pain.
rocketman, it’s hard, but with perseverence, everything is possible. 🙂 it’s cliche, I know, but you must know it to be true! Don’t give up!
And I bet you’d make a great dad someday!
Million thumbs up 🙂 the world needs more people like you that doesn’t give up on life. Keep it up and at the end it’s going to be all worth it. I’m sure you’ll make a great and awesome Mom:) show people that you can rise from the ground and be strong 🙂 KEeP IT Up 🙂
😀 it feels nice to make people laugh!
To the OP…sorry…can’t get your name right. If you want this child to be happy…you need to start being happy…immediately. Pretty tall order eh? But your emotions and moods affect your unborn child in the last months of gestation. Any mother will tell you that. So get rid of as much of the negative bullshit as possible. Sing to your baby as you rub his bottom(the top of your tummy)…the calmer the mother…the calmer the baby. I know that this sucks…you didn’t ask for this…and that life isn’t fair….but put life on hold for a few months and try to give this child the best start possible. There is more to old wive’s tales than most would care to admit.
An old wife
Sinine,that’s what i try to do all the time but sometimes i’m not good at it.
Amakua2309, i’ve never had anyone rub my bottom and sing to me hint hint
It’s alright, rocketman. It’s alright. 🙂 you will succeed. Because you are awesome. If nothing else, you’re awesome.
Hey Rocketman,
Your mother never rubbed your bottom? EUREKA…I’ve got your answer…you’re all cured now…just go get your hairy old ass rubbed…hahaha
ps…get any sleep last night?
@OP: If you can find support from your parents, especially your mom, it could really ease the stress you seem to be going through. After all, your child shall be their grandchild, so they hopefully will be supportive, you and your baby are both their interest. If they are yelling and screaming, it could be because they are stressed out by the unexpected circumstance and need to adjust to it, like you must obviously make great adjustments in your life now. And your friends, at least the ones not pregnant, they are in a different circumstance from you, I think if you can at some point connect with your parents on this, it would really help your situation. If your mom is willing to help care for the baby in the future, it will give you some important freedom. Another thing, though you might feel bad now, it doesn’t mean you will always feel bad. When I was in high school, one of our gang became pregnant, her mom was supportive and the girl actually did very well, her baby became a focus of her life and she matured very quickly and has a good life today. So hang in there, stay strong, and I wish you the best of luck with your baby.
Thank you
You’re welcome, jhv 😀