Everyones depressed. Everobes hates their life Soooo much, yet they won’t do anything about it. They claim to know everything about anything to do with death. The symptoms on depression. E-v-e-r-y-tt-h-I-n-g. Yet they can’t get it through their thick skulls that guess what? People actually die. They kill themselves over things like that. And it’s not funny, or sonthong to claim to give a fuck about….sorry guys it had to be said
Some people have been there, and truly do care. Suicide IS real. And if I can give hope or peace to just one person in the situation or mind set i was in, that is more than anyone has ever done for me.
That’s not what I’m trying to say, my point Is that everyone takes it as a joke, whenits not a laughing matter. Where they just want depression do they get noticed. I’m not saying people don’t actually have it…
I think I understand what you’re saying. I’ve heard it at school before. Students take it like a joke, but there are suicide awareness efforts being made to make people more aware of the seriousness of the situation.
Already ranted about that once today. ^ I’ve decided if I do decide to kill myself I’ll do it in front of a class during a prevention video while people are laughing. If I’m going to kill myself it will be constuctively. Then maybe more people will realize depression is an actual problem and other people who have it will get more help.