I have cut again.. I don’t know what to do.. I have  hurt myself again… I hurt too  much inside.. I want to kill myself..
I have cut again.. I don’t know what to do.. I have  hurt myself again… I hurt too  much inside.. I want to kill myself..
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Please hon, you have to calm yourself down and try other ways of dealing with your pain. Please don’t give up. Please don’t hurt yourself anymore. You have to learn to love yourself again.
STOP. DROP. AND THINK! Don’t do anything, re-think your situation. WERE ALL FAMILY, TRUST IN US. I feel kind of weird saying this knowing I’m suicidal, but seriously. Especially if your young, don’t do it! Give life some time
I reckon you need some aroha in your life. Yep, always seems to do the trick. And for the love of mercy, don’t cut yourself, okay? Put a vivid in place of your knife, substitute it with something else.
I can’t help but do it..
Then try cutting yourself with a remote controller, or a banana, something NOT sharp!
Or maybe try a plastic knife? It might scratch a little but shouldn’t draw blood.
Yes you can stop doing this, but you need to tell yourself this. The only voice you should be listening to, is your own.
So put it in your head that you don’t want to cut (that you don’t need to cut) and your body will listen to you.
I’m dying tonight..
You shall be missed, btw you are quite gorgeous despite what you may think, I’m sure many others on here agree with me.
I second what AtTheEnd has said, I already commented something to that effect on a picture of yours and I watched your “To whom it may concern” video.
I’ll give it to you straight; YOU AINT DYING.
You can see that everyone here cares for you, but you need to reach out and let us help you!
Ive tried to reach out… Ive been ignored.. Once again..
hi dear
i know what you are going through right now because i am in a similar situation dear.but i really don’t know how to get out of it.even i have been ignored.i really loved her.but now i am left with myself.i really think i can help you because i have been through what you are going now.so dear why not help each other and find a way out.i know that there is a path.it is just that we need to find it.so plz i request you to stay strong.plz if not for yourself then try to do it for me.because i am really crying right now.plz dear… i need you all to stay strong because that gives me strength…
actually even i had posted a similar thing about a month ago and my life has really changed from that day.i am not saying that it has become good but yes atleast i have got some strength to live…
I just try so hard and it seems like no one cares..
here we care. you can talk to me if you want. everybody has their own miserable nightmares. and i’ll be glad to share them with you.
listen dear
the thing which i have learnt about life is that we need to take care about ourselves instead of expecting someone else to take care of us…i have read your earlier posts and i feel what you are going through now.i would like to say to you that start working on yourself.try to rediscover yourself.stay strong.and things will change.whenever you feel depressed or lonely then talk with me.i know that i really can’t replace him but i think i can show you the path to yourself.it is just that.and in some manner i really want to help you dear… i have seen your pain from a long time.the time i had written something like this from that time only i have read your posts…plz give me a chance to help..
I really hate life right now….
hello, could you do something I want to suggest. “I care about me” x 1000 – This is a mantra. Practice it each day starting today.
I know you’re trying hard, but now, we’ve got to try some other ways, techniques and methods. “I love me”, “I care about me”, “I need me”, “I am not defined by how others are towards me.” “I am beautiful.” “I like myself.” “I will to take care of me, my body, my mind, my soul.” Say these things to yourself constantly.
Sit on a cushion and cross your legs. Visualise shields of light and power around you. Imagine above you, a sphere of brilliant golden light. Now imagine brilliant rays of golden light radiating from the sphere, then all of a sudden a shaft of golden light penetrates into the top of your head. Let this golden light flood you from tip to toe. Now imagine, this sphere of brilliant golden light descending towards you in its entirety, and the distance between the the sphere and the the top of your head decreases and decreases until the golden light sphere merges in its entirety into your body. Now, open your eyes, and touch the golden sphere which now surrounds you, encompassing you with complete joy and peace and protection. Nothing negative from outside can penetrate through and you can dismiss any negative thought, merely by touching any point on the sphere, and that thought will leave you immediately. Try it, ok 🙂
yes i know that dear…..can you send me a mail…plz..inhellut@gmail.com
i can help you i know..
Idk if thatll work…
it will work dear…trust us..plz… i know dear…
Ill try but Im still not sure about it..
This may sound absurd at the beginning, but you’ll find that as it becomes part of you, it will be automatic in its effects. *hugs*
I x dont X know x about X this…
It’s a sphere of love and protection and it’s energies are like golden transparent waves. It is yours, and no one else’s. So any wrong thought that you don’t want in your head space will be annihilated according to your conscious decision. When you don’t want a thought, you imagine the golden light, and you imagine touching it. Then the thought will be gone. This method is called visualisation, and it is practised in many places, by monks, by meditators, and so forth. Suspend your skepticism. Go do it 🙂
I cant until this afternoon…I have school
That’s fine, honey. You can get through school first. You’ll be okay. When you get home, practice the golden spherical shield meditation for 20 minutes. Then, after that, practice the affirmations like those I gave. Each day after that, 20 minute meditations. The second part of the meditations, you would want to practice it every day. A permanent reservoir of golden transparent love and peaceful energies you visualise above you, and you check the strength of the sphere each day, and you re-energise it to full strength for 20 minutes each day. It’s like a universal battery, and what you’ve done in the first meditation is install a personal battery within you. Ok. Focus in class for now. xx
I will try to…
Good, honey! Remember, when you close your eyes to meditate on your cushion, you must relax yourself entirely, and harmonise your breath.
When you breathe in, the golden energy radiating from the sphere curves like a magnetic field in through your nose, and when you breathe out, breathe out through your mouth. Breathing out through the mouth, all the negative stuff is lifted off from your heart and the rest of your body in the form of black smoke to be neutralised into nothingness by the golden energies swirling all about you.
So I just have to vizualize it..?
Yes. By the time the sphere has reached the top of your head, you should have completed the magnetic field inhalation and the expulsion of the negative (bad) stuff. Then the sphere descends and envelops your body to protect your entire being. You will be entirely inside the sphere and it will be with you wherever you are and wherever you go.
Hello lovely!
We’re all here for your sake just please try and stay positive, put on your beautiful smile and say “I can do it” although I don’t know your story… This is how I went about my life, it’s not easy, I know.
I have no real smile anymore… Ive hid it behind a mask for so long…
Honey, which country are you based, if I may ask?
Hmm, I’m wondering have you considered joining some places that may interest you? For example, if you like martial arts, which I have no idea you do, you could go to a place that can teach you that. Martial arts is can give you self-discipline and a whole new perspective on life. You will develop yourself in mind, body and spirit. You will transform into a brand new person. A person who believes in herself and in her capabilities. A person who is not afraid of the world. A person with such self-confidence, nothing can phase her. There are many untold benefits. Have you heard of Shaolin? 🙂
Not just that, you’ll meet new people, people who can help you through life. People who will be there to protect you, people who will be there when the going gets tough. Of course, you’ll be learning to protect yourself well enough, and how to get through life. So when life shows bricks at you, you merely break them. They don’t break you 😀
No but I almost got my black belt in martial arts
Wow, so you know martial arts! Honey, if you’re in the US, you’re in the perfect place. There is so much you can do there. There are so many places you can visit and learn in. Do some research for places that can benefit you according to your interests. This will open doors for you in terms of not only your own personal growth, but also in terms of opportunities to meet good people.
I agree with that and I would love to take acting classes but I am unable to as money is low in my family
Do you have any extended family like uncles, aunts, cousins who might be willing to sponsor them if asked?
I dont know currently
Will you think about who you can approach? 🙂
Great! xx
Tell me, did you do the meditation?
Not yet
Ok, after you do it, let me know how it went *hugs*
*hugs back* can do!
that’s the spirit! yes, you can! 🙂
Ok, Xx, I think i have a bit of the background story. People on here have encouraged me to talk to them too, but I always wonder how that could possibly help. How could I possibly explain it all?
I still don’t know the answer to that. But humans are social animals. It’s how we survive. We are a little tribe of suicide obsessors in a unique position to help one another, as we are otherwise so misunderstood. You said at one point you joined this site to get help. Well, let’s help. You were working with peacefuldreams on meditating and positive self-talk. Are you still able to do those things? What’s working or not working now?
I tried the meditation thingy but I just couldn’t focus long enough…