Please help. I’m at the point in my life I’m just sick of all the shit around me that I cause. I’m constantly an ass hole  to everyone. The only reason my best friend hangs out with me is cause he doesn’t want me to be hurt or pissed off at him. I’m single. I can’t hold a steady relationship. And every time I think about just ending it all is cause i can deal with the stress it would cause to my family. I don’t like being an ass hole and I want it to change so I can be someone who people want around and not just the guy who’s there and nobody wants round. I’m on the verge of losing every one and that’s to as lead to a place where we all know what that is
I don’t know what you’ve done that makes you consider yourself an asshole, but I’m sure you can make more friends. Just be open and talk to people around you. Smile and talk to them and eventually someone will accept you, but it may take time.
Thats not much of a best friend to me but, youll make more friends in life and theyll be able to see through what ever it is that makes you think your an asshole. Its nice to know you think about your family in this situation most people dont.
I think the reason why you feel that way is because you are afraid that if people get to know the “REAL” you, they might not like what they find. So you reject them before they can reject you.
You are never going to please everyone and not everyone will please you. But once in a while, you find that one person who just clicks.
Sometimes it can be really hard to think that no body likes you … I can be a complete ***** sometimes and I dont know why, something just triggers it. Sometimes I cant believe that my friends put up with it but I realized that I am thankful that they love me for who I am, bitchness and all. I think that you sound really great, and I dont think that you should consider yourself an asshole, you should consider yourself to be a person, just the same as anyone else. If you ever need someone, to talkt to, to vent to, maybe even to relate to, please just let me know. If you care about being an asshole then I dont think you are an asshole, just a guy. Like anyone else