II’ve been told by countless of people when life kicks you down, get the hell back up. Does it still apply to me? When I’ve been kicked down so many times? Every time I try to get up, life just decides to push me back down. And when I fall, I fall harder than I ever did before. Especially since yesterday. I lost all my friends, with three single words from one of my ex boyfriends. “She’s a slut”. It’s ok though, because this will be the last time I ever get kicked down again.
Did you know that your not responding in kind to his abuse shows your strength?
Whenever we go to sleep, we must get up, don’t we? So, no matter how many times we get kicked down, we get up. Because if we stay down, they will just us kick us more. So, we get up. We walk away. We smile. We say to ourselves, “if these are so-called friends, then I’m G-d” or something like that 😉
Instead, I think you need to wizen up on other people. Understand why they’re being nasty to you.
There are basically only 3 possibilities:
Either (I consider this unlikely), you’re pissing them off, and they’re reacting to that.
Or (this seems more plausible), they are taking something out on you, it could be dissatisfaction with their own life right now.
Or they enjoy hurting people, in this case you. This might (again) be brought on by dissatisfaction with their own life, or, they might be a sociopath.
Regardless, you need to learn to read other people, and understand that most often, people are motivated by things that have nothing to do with you, but everything to do with their own situation.
This will help you avoid them, or even help them feel better, when they are like that.
Then you won’t have to get kicked down and pick yourself up quite as often anymore.