Posting is… Well… Is something that makes me feel better… Until I find out how many problems I don’t really have  because ‘other people have it worse’. My mom tells me that practically everyday.. ‘I’m selfish and need to stop being a downer’ ‘I need to stop being a loner’ I need to do this.. I need to stop that… I can’t help if I want to be alone. I can’t help it I want to die. I can’t help it I’ve lost all but 1 of the people I care about the most. I can’t help it I’m depressed. I can’t help it I was bullied from kinder up.. I can’t help being born.. But I can help existing.. So let me die already. Stop putting these fears in my head. Stop it who ever’s causing me to remember all the good things. Stop it. This is more to myself than to everyone here on SP…
Well look as long as people still care bout u and stuff like me y should u die ? Their are a lot more people in this world that do have more problems but every problem has a solution
Yes.. And a soulution to all problems is death.
Death is problematic.
Only for others. But for the person who gets it.. It’s a solution.
Death w
Yeah I know that horrible feeling all too well! We all have problems, some are worse, but that’s no reason for someonee to taunt you by saying so-and-so’s problems are worse than yours. That’s just a selfish cop-out, because individually when you think of you, and I think of me, we all havve the worst problems for us. What one person can tolerate or handle, I might not, and it goes the other way. So ur Mum is being the selfish one! Don’t worry, we all need to look after Number One first, and if it hurts others when I say that, too bad. The ones we apparently hurt are looking after Number One too, but do they care/ No, only when we cry out for help, or attention as they say. Yet we ask for medical attention when we’re hurt. How ironic is that?