I’ve read quite a few guys here who had this kind of experience… Now i’m just experiencing it from the other side. I know this guy, and I’ve tried to date him for a while but never felt like I loved him in a romantic way. So I broke it off. He didn’t take it well but for a while we were just really good friends. But he still wants to be romantically involved with me. so far I’ve been evading the topic because i don’t want to ruin what we have, but what should i do? i’ve been thinking so much about it it’s driving me nuts. I know some of you guys have experienced this… what should I do? what does it feel like to love someone in that way?
Tell him firmly and calmly that he has been friendzoned by you …. and seriously, either he backs off…or he would be putting friendship in danger. Maybe you two will come out stronger as friends, but you need to give him a 0 or 1 definite answer… no gray stuff in between.
As a dude, I don’t like to be confused. And if I am dreaming, you as a decent friend should have the courage to smack me out of it.
tell him thurth youb just want to be friends.
I guess the best thing is to be straight with him and tell him that you’re not romantically attracted to him. If he’s comfortable with just being friends with you then your friendship will continue, but if not then he may not want to be friends anymore, because its hard being friends and having romantic feelings about someone.
Yeah you guys are right. I guess I’ll have to tell him straight someday. Ugh I wish I didn’t have to do this. I’ll give it a few more weeks…