I have a website you see that i tried to get across to help adolescent teens with suicide prevention.. but i guess it won’t help if im gone. I have completely been broken apart and i plan to end it all tonight. I’ve lost everything and just keep loosing more. I’m done.. if you wanna talk my cell is 587-402-3444 i’m 15 years old and i don’t wanna see the rest of my life. check my website if you want… www.piawnr.weebly.com bye guys <3
Wait! Tell me what’s going on in your life. Tell me what’s happened? Will you postpone your death?
I’m reading your website right now. Do give me the opportunity to perhaps help you.
You’ve been through a series of traumatic abuse, and yet you managed to heal to a spectacular degree, from what I can tell. That is a remarkable piece of writing that you produced on your website. And also very hopeful. You’ve extended your hand out to others. If you go, they will not have that hand to grasp any longer. For this one reason alone, you cannot just decide now that you are going to quit. If you do, you are telling all those whom you’ve helped, and all those who will come across your webpage, that that is how things for them will devolve to. Death. That also entails that you will be somewhat responsible for anyone who has depended on you and your advice should they on getting to know what you decided to do, do the same themselves.
I know i’d be letting people down but when you feel the pain i do everyday it gets to be unbearable, another way if you wanna talk email me 🙁 i would like to talk.
Hey, I just checked your website. It’s a really helpful website that someone who is suffering can go to for help. I read your story. It’s so sad that you’ve experienced so much suffering in your short life. Please don’t give up hun. Don’t hurt yourself. Learn to love yourself. *hugs*
Hi there, honey, sorry, I was in dreamland. You can write to me and tell me what’s happening. My email address is wheelofdaggers@gmail.com.
Thank you, trying,