I’ve been posting a lot lately. and idontknow. i guess i just wish there was omeone out there that cared about me. someone. anyone. but i don’t want their pity…i just want someone to like me for well me, yeah sure i screw up and don’t deserve anything good but idontknow. i just wish i had someone to hold me as a friend and to help keep me standing..
Don’t ever say you don’t deserve anything good.
Im here, and I would love to be that someone, because we could be the someone to eachother. Were bothh really broken, but we can glue the pieces together into something brilliant other than 2 glass bottles. something brilliant, we can all build something you know. We can keep each other standing, its all pretty shitty sometimes, but we can hold to the greatest good of some moments you know, Sometimes its so bad tht the good is just great. My email is morenomari1@yahoo.com, Hope we can find hope again, its there, we have to accept it and bring it in though.
but i don’t…