When someone ends up commiting suicide, everyone is there, they feel bad, they say they didnt ”see the signs”, they talk about how amazing you were, and so forth. But if you tell someone you’re suicidal, everything is different, no one wants to solve the problem, matter of fact, half of the time they act like it isnt a problem, that you wont ever ”do it”, that it’ll just ”go away”. They treat it like a joke,well let me tell you something, being suicidal isnt a joke, people do consider it as an only option, and treating the problem like it doesnt matter will not get you anywhere, the only place its going to get you is to a funeral. If someone tells you they’re suicidal, dont push them away, instead try to be the one to keep them here!:|
There is a wide-spread belief in the society (I don’t know how true or erroneous such a belief is) that those who talk about suicide will rarely ‘pull the trigger’, so to speak.
As one of my closest friends once told me: she said whenever she hears a friend talking about suicide, she is confident that he/she will never do it. She said those who really want to part with life. will just go and do it without a word to anyone else.
Judging from my own experience, however, I think she is wrong. I felt suicidal for the most part of my life. And I talked about it with my closest friends. That doesn’t mean, however, that my suicidal intentions aren’t serious. Sometimes you just want to, sort of, “condition” people (especially those who matter to you), that they shouldn’t be surprised/shocked when one day they wake up and you’re not part of the humanity any longer.
I, personally, believe such an approach is best, as, after all, we don’t live on an uninhabited island all alone. We are all intertwined, and whether we want it or not, we’ve got other human beings around us who may care about us.
And although they can’t possibly bring an end to our problems, which make us suicidal, they can, at least, be gently conditioned to an idea that one day the world will be revolving without us.
On the other hand, we might be misinterpreting what’s “best” for those around us. Remember….there was a poll recently, where people were asked would you like to know the date of your death, if, by some chance, there were a *genuine* fortune-teller, who could *really* tell the dates.
I think most of the people in the poll answered ‘no’. In other words, the majority of the population like to live in a world with an element of surprise.
It doesn’t really have to do with whether they talk about it or not. Truly suicidal people will keep trying no matter how many times you stop them. “Feeling suicidal” =/= suicidal. Like the word ‘depression’, ‘suicidal’ has been watered down to the point where it’s all but lost it’s meaning.
A person who is dissatisfied with their job may say they are depressed, but they will never know what it’s like to actually live with chronic depression caused by trauma or an imbalance. The same goes for ‘suicidal’ people. Some may so depressed that they start thinking about ending their life but are worlds away from people who are actively spending their time and income on making it happen. There is a huge spectrum when it comes to the severity of depression and suicidal intentions. I wish people wouldn’t toss them around like they mean nothing.
Anyways, as I said, truly suicidal people will continue to make attempts at ending their life despite any interference from others. You can stall people, but you can’t stop them. I see no reason to stop them, anyways. The worst four years of my life only happened because people got in my way. Despite their efforts though, I’m still on the verge of success.
At my school today, there was a presentation on mental health and suicidal thoughts, and some students were taking it as a joke. It was unbelievable. I don’t think people understand the seriousness when a person says that they’re considering suicide. I think it’s easier for people to make jokes about it, because it’s easier for them to think that you’re not serious.
So you tell me that suicide cant be stop? I think it is possible. I havent been cuted for a month,and i feel like a hero,because 2 girls saved me. My dad hitted me for the first time and i was FINE. of course i have still suicidal thoughts but i can easily say that life will be better! Thank you anyway.
Dave_N, umm can you kill them for me please? I cant stand the immaturity of people. Pain is a feeling,and maybe they understand this feeling when they lose someone. They live in their perfect little world,where everything is beautiful and funny. People suffer,oh god!:'(
I had a friend who aldo had tried to kill herself, and recently i told her i was thinking about suicide, she was worried but when she found out ibwas still alive, she disappeared without a word, and with s lie! That shows how people are. I won’t try to have friends anymore.