if your with someone and you find out they were talking to a crap ton of others girl for a while, when do you draw the line? he hasn’t talked to any of them in about three weeks but I’m constantly afraid he is going to start up again and then decide he likes one of those girls better. he has done it before, broke up with me for someone he just met an hour before breaking up with me. and I just found out he was watching one of the girls via web cam when she was horny. why does he do these things to me, I love him so much. I was willing to give him a second chance, and then I found all these messages and I just don’t know what to do. i stopped cutting for him. and every time i find a new message i just want to cut to calm my nerves but i promised him i wouldn’t do that any more. when is enough enough and when should I stop giving him second chances?
Give him one more chance and explain that he makes you feel like your not good enough for him when he does this, dont cut becasue if he does this he is obvioulsy not worth you time.
I have, a least I though he got my point and understood what was saying. but I guess not. I’ll give it another shoot I guess. if this doesn’t work out I really don’t know what to do. I’ve never felt this way about someone before and all I’m getting for my troubles is heartache. I love the moments when we are together and happy but shit like this happens when ever I thing nothing can go wrong.