well this fucking embarsing fan fucking tastic its now 00:13 and i toke the pills at 10:00 all iv don it up chuk and hit my head agnst the wall 100 times for trusting a chave deler i cant fucking belev it all i feel is sike mother fucking bich all the planing all the shit back to swer 1 is this a sine that im going to live thru all the pane its the 11th time somthing like this has hapund to me got to get a fucking gun !!!!!!!!!!! i can not belev this why just why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our body’s will to live is underestimated. It will do whatever it can to stay alive, yours used the gag and stomache poisoning reflex and threw up the harmful pills.
all i can do is apolgis for aney hert i delt out to aney one
i tryd to meney times
now all i can do is try
and pray that this time it i be qwick
but it just corsis pane
and yes i regret it evrey time
the fact i was properd to do it with no thort
of the peope that do care that do love that will miss me
when i swolw and when i inevtbly wake up in a wight room with 2 docs and my 1 frend and dad or trow up all i can do is say sorry to the people i hert and think and reflet how thay must think of me allot of peope who will have read this will be going he proply didunt swolw if he had my life for 1 seciond…
and all i can do is say sorry