I want to do it. As soon as I can. The only problem is I don’t know how I should go. I’d like to go out with a bang but that’s not necessary. I just can’t fail. I need something that won’t go wrong and leave me living in pain and regret for the rest of my life. Can anyone help? You won’t be able to dissuade me from killing myself.
if i wont be able to dissuade you, can i at least know why you want to die?
I wont try to dissuade you-but I will tell you there is NO foolproof way.I thought I would die whem I shot myself in the aorta.I should have.If you dont want to live with the pain snd regret of a failed attempt your only sure bet is not to attempt.I have lived with the pain, and scars, and grief of my loved ones for almost 13 yrs, and I cant take it back-ever.
Even yoour short paragraph tells me you write beautifully.Can I suggest to you s project before you contimue with your planning?-Write your life story .The whole thing.
Hey sydsmama do you have an email?
I do..its sarahdaria@yahoo.com-I hesitate to post it publicly,but since you asked…I have a true desire to help in any way I can-hopefully there are no major consequences to me putting that out there,but if it helps someone-its worth it:-)