Anyone else feel the pressure to take their life? That life has completely stopped and the pressure from life itself and everybody else is building up? That nothing’s going right or it’s moving too slow? That you’re almost at breakpoint, ready to take the plunge and do something you can’t go back on? I do. The hardest part for me is leaving (first move) cause I wouldn’t kill myself where I live currently. I can pack all my belongs into a suitcase – everything. I’d like to do that and dispose of it on my way out. I struggle to pack that suitcase. Survival instinct or whatever you wanna call it, I don’t know, I just need a push.
I would physically push you into the makeup room and then push you out on the stage and hand you a microphone attached to loudspeakers set on the highest volume with a live cable tv camera focused on your face. The world is not prepared to hear what you have to say before you go. Tell them about survivalism.
I’m not a survivor though, nor do I want to survive. Whether its fate, destiny or choice; I want to die.
So, you don’t want to do more than what you have done? Nowhere you want to visit for yourself, no one you want to meet, nothing new and different you want to accomplish, nothing to learn, venture, gain or give? Are you sure?
No, there re a lot of things I’d like to do and achieve, places to go and things to see. For me, if you were to put one of those things on a scale with death (or suicide) on the other, death would win hands down. No matter how many attempts or changes I make to be happier or go somewhere I want to be, I still have an affinity to die.