There is nothing really to say here. All I need to say is in the title. Some of you that I have conversed with have been a great encouragement, in just seeing others who understand what I feel. But I’m done here at this point. There is no need to respond to this or to comment, I will not be here to read it. Show is over. There will be no encore. I’m going quietly into the night. Best of luck to you all.
Don’t die pls!
Do not go gentle into that good night! Please don’t do this to yourself!
Please, stay.
But, if you do go, I hope you find the peace you deserve. I will miss you.
I never got the chance to know you.
are you really gone? Are you watching over us? I wish I believed in the after life as then I would be comforted knowing you could guide us…the lost souls of the living. Maybe give us a sign… I don’t know…perhaps a black out or something then we could all know once and for all. If you are still living I’d love to hear from you…If not…the world now knows you existed and I really would have liked to give you a hug. If anyone out there is feeling the same don’t hesitate to reply… I’m lonely and disconnected so let’s be that way without judgement in this forum. I’m very sad.
If you are already gone I hope most sincerely that you feel much better than you did on this Earth. I hope that all the anxiety,disappointment, depression, loneliness and pain is gone now and that the God’s love is shining upon you.
Rest in peace hurting1 :'(