I was once told that suicidal people were people just fishing for compliments. I think it’s a little more than just that.
I was once told that suicidal people were people just fishing for compliments. I think it’s a little more than just that.
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If that were true, the compliments might actually help, but they don’t. I hate when people think that. They just have no idea what it’s like.
No, their sheltered, wonderful lives just let them think of us as pathetic, to me, I find it pathetic that they don’t even bother to think that we might actually have problems and want to die. I guess they must believe that nobody actually kills themselves, nobody does to escape pain, huh?
People who just plain don’t care about the pain of others definitely are pathetic. I know they can’t understand, because they don’t experience what we do. But couldn’t they take us seriously? I don’t just say I want to die for the heck of it. If somebdoy told me that they wanted to die, I’d want to know why and what I could do to help, you know?
Yeah, I agree, but I guess they don’t want us to ruin the happiness in their lives, which are apparently much more valuable than ours. They don’t care, if they did, they wouldn’t treat others the way they do, so I wouldn’t ever expect them to listen if I told th my feelings, at least not sincerely.
Right, how unfortunate that they see us as getting in the way of their happiness. I hate feeling like a burden to people, so I don’t tell them how I really feel. The crazy thing is that they’d be angry if I killed myself, because I didn’t tell them how I felt. They don’t realize that they stop me from being honest by totally not caring.
I’d prefer it if people cared about me out of choice rather than out of necessity, or a burdening of it all. Part of me is surprised at how nobody is able to notice the signs, nobody is able to notice anything is wrongful, and that nobody really cares. There isn’t much point being honest to ears that will not hear the words you say…
I don’t think it’s that people don’t care, but more are afraid of being brought down by trying to help us when we need it. When people can not see the blatant signs that surround me, then what reason is there for me to talk to them and being brushed off as not being serious.
The exact reason why I feel conflicted asking for help or reaching out. Of course only a purely evil person would turn away a sad soul, so most people just do it out of courtesy or to not look evil. Asking for support invalidates the care that I wanted in the first place. Then it just seems fake.
Fishing for complements….interesting. I guess if that were true, everyone around me would be aware of the 120 5mg oxys I have stored up. Everyone would be aware that after 5 months, I began cutting again. Everyone would be aware of how trapped I feel. Instead what they see is a sarcastic and humorous person, unaware of how I’m dying little by little on the inside. Complements? Yeah, that’s what I want….
Oh. Okay, you’re beautiful. <3
@Rayvon I think that there is a mixture of people that don care and others whom don’t want to be brought down.
@whyohwhysky I agree, I think the initial problems that others create shouldn’t even exist, i.e. I think the things making us sad in the first place should go, and then we wouldn’t need help anyway, and care should be something that is given, not asked for.
@girl interrupted I think that we all could use a few healthy compliments, but there’s much more to suicidal feelings than someone simply wanting compliments. But anyway, you’re amazing! 😉
@TisxIxKasa looks like someone has the hang of it! 😉