I am a useless c**t. I am greedy, stupid and selfish. I have no friends. I am a liar. I am a disgusting waste of space. I am completely worthless. I am morally and spiritually bankrupt. I am lazy. I am wasteful. I have no respect for anything. I am a parasite. I was/am delusional. There is absolutely no reason for me to continue living. I have no future.
A “useless c**t” wouldn’t have admitted it. If you have the balls to admit all of this, even if it is online, you can’t possibly be delusional.
In which sense do you think you’re delusional?
You quite clearly aren’t “morally and spiritually bankrupt” because you actually feel remorse and regret for acting this way. You do have have respect for others as you know that acting this way is wrong and that it affects others.
I seriously believe you aren’t a waste of space – even from the small amount you wrote. There are so many people who could be justified having no reason to continue living – such as terminal illness.
But I believe suicide, for you, and I know it’s so cheesy – is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
As for the friends problem – if you have the chance to move away from the area in which you currently live, you should take it and start afresh. You might benefit from a change of scenery and be able to meet new people without feeling the need to lie anymore – be yourself.
If you tried I think you could build quite a fulfilling future for yourself.
I hope this helps. 🙂
sorry, but there is just nothing to make any of this better. What’s worse is that I’ve spent the last two years behaving in this way without realising it.. at ALL. I had it all. and blew it. It’s an absolute tidal wave of self hate. I now know what I am. If I told you how wasteful and terrible I have been, you would feel nauseous. Every word that comes out of my mouth is poison.. People can detect these things, self hate is obvious to everybody. There’s just no way out.
I doubt you could make me nauseous. I did it for a while too. I go through phases of complete and utter stupidity – believe me you can get through it.
The chronic lying? Is it hard to stop? It was for me – I still do it to a lot of people.
There’s always a way out, honestly. If you need someone to confide into – this site of full of people willing to listen. Trust me 🙂
The worst is that I’ve been lying to and stealing from myself. My future self. Without even realising it. He doesn’t exist anymore. I am off the charts bipolar, and spent the whole time drinking instead of getting the help I needed. It has destroyed my life. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will not see my next birthday.
You think you’re alone in this? I’m pretty sure I know a few people like this – including myself, even though I’m most likely a bit younger than you. It’s taken me until a few days back to open my eyes to it.
I did a similar thing to that – self-destructing almost. Although I didn’t have a clue, I was sub-consciously doing it.
It has only destroyed your life if you give up now – don’t think like that.
It’ll destroy what little motivation you have left.
I’m 27. Seems about right. I have never had anything close to a real job. I have spent the last two years squandering my inheritance and am now left technically homeless. I am living with relatives and behaving like the lazy teenager I always was. It’s pathetic. I have no intention of bettering myself and am living day to day on their generosity. When I get kicked out, I’m buying a ticket to nowhere. Far away from any people or anything. The loneliest death there ever was. No one will even know I’m dead for a long while. My ego tells me it’s a romantic way to go, but I know it’s really just sad.
My dad’s never had a real job and he’s 41. You’re depressed. What do you expect?
You’re not happy, but you expect to be the most productive person in the world? I think by telling people, even strangers, you’re taking a big step into bettering yourself. Many people in your position wouldn’t admit any of this to anyone.
If you don’t mind me asking – did your parents die in the last few years?
And I’m sure many people would be extremely devastated if you went out in that “romantic way” – especially those people whose generosity you’ve been living off recently. They’ll find out eventually. Don’t do it – you have so much to live for.
You’re young, supposedly healthy and you have no ties anywhere – nothing to keep you from doing anything you want. You could travel or find a job in a place you’ve never been before. There’s so much you could do.
It’s just a waste of a perfectly good future. Don’t squander it – this is more important than some inheritance.
Why do you not want to better yourself?
Yes, no parents. Brother killed himself too. I can count on one hand the people who would notice I was gone. I’ve been slowly disappearing ever since it happened. No Facebook, I forgot what it’s like to live a normal, productive life, I had no one to compare with. I just did whatever the fuck I wanted. wasted myself. There’s no job I’m qualified to do. No future. I’m intelligent, but I guess I could just never be bothered. I will travel.. but I’m not coming back. I have nowhere to come back to.
It’s all me, me, ME. as usual. thanks though.
I’m really sorry you’ve had to deal with that. 🙁
I can’t possibly imagine what that’s like.
Would you mind if I asked what your goals in life were, when you actually felt like living?
Just to be happy. I was happy. I guess I should be grateful for that. Some people don’t ever get that. Better to have loved and lost eh.
What changed to make you act differently?
Honestly, similar feelings here.
But honestly, there’s no fucking way we will achieve anything without help and even with help the chances are slim.
Honestly there’s nothing wrong with you.
Life isn’t about productivity, but society doesn’t understand that. So you’re feelings are healthy reactions to the way the world currently is: EXTREME CRAP.
Not that I’m unfoundedly ‘blaming’ the world. That would imply that the world is 100% perfect. Which it isn’t.
Energetically wise. You shouldn’t even feel guilty about you dissapriciating life, whereas there ‘starving aids kiddies’ in africa, and homeless orphans everywhere. Because life energy belongs to the earth as a whole to humanity everyone bieng interconnected… There’s a major imbalance in life energy, and you are on the other end of the whole thing. As they are clearly over-appriciating life.
Or my mind is fucked and I should kill myself.