I ran out of my antidepressants and couldn’t get them filled for a few days. I still haven’t taken them, and I feel no different than before. Why bother taking them if nothing changes?
I ran out of my antidepressants and couldn’t get them filled for a few days. I still haven’t taken them, and I feel no different than before. Why bother taking them if nothing changes?
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Explain further; how are you feeling right now?
I never really saw how medicine can cure pr help depression, when they wear off all things are still the same and when you’re on them things are still the same. What we all need is good change not medication.
It takes a while for your body to change, antidepressants tend to balance moods, so you might feel unbalanced in a few months. BUT if you’ve been going to therapy and have been doing the work that goes with meds than you might not need meds, but you should go off meds with a support network in place, because you might not be emotionally prepared for the swings. They’ll kick you in the teeth if you’re not ready.
They are a stop gap for people whose only other option is suicide. The real work is through life change.
My doctors always say it takes weeks for changes to appear. Maybe your state of mind will worsen after a while, that gradually happened to me when I stopped taking antidepressants. What did happen immediately were the withdrawal symptoms.
Peradox, I’m feeling like the only way to save my family is for me to check out. I’ve been feeling this way for quite sometime. Odd, in death there’s life. Talk about irony.
Fancy, thankfully no withdrawal symptoms.
I really think I’m….shit. I dozed off and forgot what I was going to type. Ugh.