hi everyone, i am from India. i have decided to commit suicide, this is it for me, I canot take it anymore. this life is very hard. i dont know how to kill myself. please help me, any easy thing i can do at home would be a great idea. also i live with my husband and inlaws. so i  cant have a failed attempt. please suggest something
hey pisces1987, are you sure this is what you want to do? life gets better i swear you just have wait for it!
No it doesnt. My marriage is hell and I come from a place where divorces are severely frowned upon. I just dont want all this hurt and heartache anymore
I come from a similar culture, but I can promise you suicide is not the option you need to take. I’m guessing your husband and in-laws beat you. And you’re too scared to involve authorities because of the high level of corruption.
You feel alone and the end of the rope – but there are many women like you and you can get help.
It may seem drastic, but you could try to run away.
If you’re willing to die for this bastard of a husband, you should be willing to consider other options.
There has been a lot of progress recently – because of the bus gang rape case, people are becoming more appreciative of women. I understand you don’t want a divorce – but do you really want to die for this arsehole? I think you should try to consider it.
There are many people willing to help you – there must be facilities for women near by where you can discuss and maybe try to fix your problems.
I hope this helps – please don’t kill yourself, you deserve better. I know a few people who had been in similar place. If you try you can get out.
“My marriage is hell and I come from a place where divorces are severely frowned upon.â€
So you’re saying you would rather die than face being severely frowned upon?
You already hurt and experience that your community is unable to support you in the way you need. The straw that breaks the camel’s back is the threat of any open acknowledgment of what is going on and the fear of the frown.
If the community we belong to would rather everyone pretend to fit in then fit in is that community?
Something that has surprised me is how many and varied are the communities that exists. Take up ballroom dancing and you find a community, bike riding, martial arts, get a divorce, what have you… and you find a community of those who have been there before you, interested in the same things and even willing to support you.
Yes it hurts when the community we thought we belonged and wanted to belong to frowns on us. But maybe like the ugly duckling we were just in the wrong community.
Going against what you perceive as your community will be hard and there will be frowns, there will be frowns whatever you do. But if you are truly at the end, why not be honest? Isn’t there a part of you, a rebel that before passing through that door, would like to see what might exist past the frown that you fear?
What if instead of physically dying you let the fear of being frowned upon die?
What might you find on the other side once you pass through the disapproving frown?
i am also from india and i can understand what u are trying to say even though im a 20 year old boy but age doesnt mean anything
i know divorce can be really hard for u but its better than dying
it would be hard for u to find alternative but that doesnt mean u should kill yourself
please try to be patient and you have to stand for yourself
i know u wont give up so easily i believe in u