How many of you guys at least kind of hope that the world will end? I know that I do. Theoretically, it would be so much easier if the world blew up tomorrow.
What do you guys think?
How many of you guys at least kind of hope that the world will end? I know that I do. Theoretically, it would be so much easier if the world blew up tomorrow.
What do you guys think?
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Some say a comet will fall from the skies
followed by meteor showers and tidal waves
followed by fault lines that cannot sit still
followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
some say the end is near
some say we’ll see armageddon soon
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
stupid shit
silly shit
stupid shit
The world is definitely going to end, in fact it ends every moment. The past is completely gone, buried in time. You can’t do anything but remember it. That past world has ended. Besides, so many more crazy things can happen than the world blowing up. Like the world could actually be a hibernating rock dragon that wakes up and fly’s to the center of the galaxy but we can go on living, that would be kind of cool.
Can’t deny that I do hope so. Not because I’m depressed, but the world is a messed up place. People can only do so much to make it better. Truth is it won’t and not enough people are willing too. Why do we have to have war? Why is it easier to create new weapons to kill other humans than it is to create a cure to disease to save many? Humans make it worse each day, that’s why I refuse to have children. I love my would be children so much that I wouldnt let them enter this world y wearing a condom. It may sound selfish of me to say but isn’t it selfish to put a child in this world when it will be more of a miserable place when they grow up? Look at our generation, we are starting to be less social now do to social networking. Suicide rates are increasing each year because people are realizing this. Life is hard as is. We are destroying the environment and ourselves. We kill eachother because of money, race, beliefs, survival, etc. Are we not better than a wolf? Because I can garuntee you a wold wouldn’t fuck his comrad over for money or because the other wolf has different color of fur. Hell they stick together. We can’t do without nature but nature can do without us. We are animals but we actually destroy for our benefit. I believe the dead have it easier and they pity the living. When it ends, I hope it’s quick and painless and all of us can be in heaven/ Val hala/ paradise, call it what you will, because in the after life, all of that is null and void.
The world has ended many times before and will continue to do that…
One can find some sort of comfort knowing that other people would suffer along with them. It acts like a painkiller.