I’m pretty sure that tomorrow is my day. I can’t imagine living past tomorrow. No matter how hard I try to overcome my eating disorder I always fail. Yesterday it was nothing. Today it was binge/purge. Tomorrow I get up again and the cycle repeats. Unless I choose to end it. I’ve went to years of therapy. I get the concepts, but everyone can’t tailor these sometimes impossible concepts in their life. I’ve been sick since I was seven! I’m not sure if I ever will overcome this on earth. I don’t want to be here to find out. I’m not going to layout the plan step by step. It involves a garage, hose and a car. I’m sure you can put the pieces together. Nice and easy without all the mess.
Have you tried group therapy or speaking with someone who’s overcome an eating disorder? I don’t believe that it’s impossible for you to be consistent in regard to healthy eating habits; it may be difficult, but it’s not impossible.
Does your ED stem from some other issue? If so, you may want to address the underlying cause.
And please don’t try to kill yourself with car exhaust. That method does not work anymore, because cars nowadays are especially designed to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide.
Not when your borrowing your grandfather’s dodge for 1993…
So… You’re going to borrow your grandfather’s car to do it? How do you think that’s going to make him feel? How about your parents? Friends? They would feel terrible… You don’t have to be a size 0 to be beautiful, it doesn’t matter what’s on the outside, love. It’s what on the inside. You may look at yourself and think that you’re not beautiful, but you are. Everyone has had moments where they don’t think they’re pretty, beautiful, etc. but you don’t need to end your life over the way you think you look. I don’t know you, but please don’t do this, it’s not worth it. I promise. I don’t know if you can message me on here, but if you need someone to talk to; Please message me.
Honey, I have an eating disorder too, you are not alone. Eating disorders take over your entire life and change you into someone you’re not, they are awful disorders that ruin lives, but even with that being said, you still are not alone. I bet you’re smart, I bet you’re beautiful, and I know you have a handful of people that would miss you. I understand eating disorders and I understand what you are going through, if you want to talk, message me. I promise I will listen. Your life is worth so much, even if it’s rough, you will make it through.
Thank you for your viewpoints. My plan was interrupted because my Mom was super sick this morning and could not find the strength to get out of bed and make it to work. I’m pretty spiritual (believe it or not), so this was the sign that this whole thing needed to stop. There was no way that I was leaving my sick mother at home just to end my life because my ED was out of control. Ironically enough today was the best day that I’ve had in quiet sometime.