I feel extremely depressed and I feel so critical of myself that I can’t write properly without my inner critic telling me how stupid my problems are and that I need to let it go. I guess that’s why I don’t really trust anyone or don’t have friends I mean sure we all have friends people we hang out with from time to time but I don’t really have anyone I can trust(to the people on here that have helped me thank you) that I feel won’t judge me. I’m not very social most of the time I just go to school and don’t really talk (I’m 15 btw) I’m very guarded I guess you could say I don’t show myself to people because I don’t like being vulnerable there’s a person I wish I could be but that’s stupid I can’t even show myself how I truly feel. I wonder when I’m just going to get tired of it all… I want to go die in a hole I’m so angry and upset and hate myself right now
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