wow, two post in one day, guess I got alot to say hunh? people say the teen years are the best years of your life. But to me there full of confusion, having to deal with people who look down on you, rejection, social exclusion, and uncertainty. idk, maybe that’s just me. Anybody, teen or adult, where/are your teen years the best out of your life?
I’ve never met anyone who says that teens were the best years. You’re hormones are crazy, you have no control, no money, and aren’t educated, you can’t articulate what frustrates you because you have limited experiences, and you can’t make friends with people you like since your life is regulated. As I get older I see that this moment, right now, is always the best.
I don’t think they’re the “best years” of your life at all in that they’re going to be *happy*. You have your entire life to worry about and so many things could go wrong – but on the other hand, you have your entire life to worry about. So much can change; for the worse, yes, but also for the better. So much potential. Very little is set in stone, you have so much less to regret and there are far fewer consequences for changing your mind.
But I think totallyagree is right: this moment, right now, is always the best.