I want to die. I want to fucking slit my wrists so badly that I can see my bone and fucking die. To hell with the idea of surviving and staying strong. I say fuck it. It’s no use. I’m just a fucking “compulsive lying *****” who “should die” and “jump in front of a fucking car”. I’m a “shit friend” and I “deserve the worst.” people said that to me. And I’m just not gonna try to fucking act like I don’t care. I’m crying and I’m giving up. I’m gonna die. So goodbye SP. I’m starting my process. and I’ll be gone by July 12th. Bye.
You probably are prepared for self-murder then I wish you a successful death
Don’t do it ! I had “friends” that were like that and trust me, in a few years, you can move on and find people who care about you. But when you are going through it, it seems like there is never an end to it.
You don’t even have to stay “strong”. Just stay alive for a few more years and you will see these people grow up or move on from them.
Hope this helps !
Life is full of choices, who we choose to be around, who we choose to listen to and how we choose to let what we hear affect us. Misery loves company is the old saying and it is true because sometimes our own so called friends turn on us and say the most hurtful things. The challenge is to make your filter and filter out the good from the bad. Hurtful words don’t deserve the time of day. We all make mistakes. Who are your friends to judge you because that is what they are doing. Are they so perfect? Times like you describe are very hard but you just get through it and don’t listen to other peoples bullcrap. If they are trying to bring you down just walk away from them. They are probably hurting too and trying to make themselves feel better by hurting someone else. Have a good cry, talk to someone you can trust, pray and just stay alive. These storms pass, they surely do.
if i dont get a reply to my emale by the 21 ill kill my self so dont ok
love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
life can be hard please stay strong please don’t kill your self i know this world is beocmeing cruel
but trust me it will get better i almost killed myself it’s scary and horrible
there are more and more people willing to kill there self but please stay strong we can’t lose anymore people and if you think no one cares about you well you’re wrong i care about you if you need anyone to talk to im here 🙂
email me