Depression is when people look at and treat you like you have a chronic, life threatening disease when in reality they think you are weak, selfish and simple minded. They keep their façade going to ensure society does not call them out and label them as “a bad, heartless person incapable of sympathy” without thinking of the consequences their actions may have.
A lot of people don’t understand what depression really is. They just know that it’s psychological and think it could be rid of quickly.
This is depression:
A malevolent parasite that sucks the life out of you slow and painfully each and every day. Like a drug, it will consume you and change you into someone no one recognizes anymore. It’s that dangerous.
Depression kills.
I understand why you are saying that. My son took his life a little over a year ago. He really was the last person you would ever have thought could do this–very talented, handsome, humble, brilliant, at a top-ranked school. But depression took him down. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable, and even I did not understand the imminent risk he was in. Our society doesn’t understand “depression” versus self-indulgent behavior and whining. We are so scared of talking about mental health issues, that all of this gets clumped together. My son died of an illness, but it was preventable. I am heartbroken, but I have no choice but to stay in this world because leaving would destroy the rest of my family, which is already suffering so much. Since I am here, it has become my personal mission to prevent suicide and to tell as many people as I can reach that depression is real and to judge people as “weak” is completely unfair and wrong. Would you be judged as weak if you were to get cancer? Never. Each of us who knows the truth has a responsibility to educate. And for those of you who are depressed…please seek out help. Please do not sugarcoat it. If you feel suicidal, then use that word. I believe my son would still be alive if he had actually said, “Mom, I feel such despair that I want to die.” I believe he would still be here if there weren’t this ridiculous stigma. Please get help for yourself, JustKeepDreaming. Please join the fight.
Sorry to just come in here; just want to say that I also read your comment @lostmybeautifulson. Good to read; good of you to share that, thanks. Sorry about your son. All the best.
Thank you. It’s terribly hard, but I definitely understand the despair that so many people feel on this site.
Well-said drifts!