What’s it like to take medication? Is it helpful or harmful, and are the side effects too great?
What’s it like to take medication? Is it helpful or harmful, and are the side effects too great?
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I have been taking anxiety medication for nearly four years now. I don’t think it has ever helped me. I still have panic attacks nearly everyday. This is just my experience however.
Medications require constant dosage changes, therapy, and you can’t take just one. You aren’t supposed to continually take them without reevaluations since your body adjusts to the medication and you have to take something else to respond to that adjustment. The therapy component is important too since you’re training yourself to break out of the mental routine associated with certain mental malfunctions.
Some people have low sex drive, others get worse, have panic attacks, start thinking of suicide, at best you just don’t feel anything, no high or low, wellbutrin is supposed to make most people happy, but so does weed, and it’s cheaper, better for you, and doesn’t burn you out. It really depends on what you take and why you take it.
A good therapist will focus more on giving you a complete tool kit to work through life issues, medication being just one of the tools. Bad therapists will just give you drugs.