Word of warning: Ambien, especially Ambien CR has the potential side effect of severe depression. If you are taking it and feel almost as if a best friend has just died, STOP taking it and contact a doctor. If said doctor instead puts you on Wellbutrin for depression, and you notice worsening panic attacks, STOP taking Wellbutrin and contact a doctor. If your doctor instead puts you on Zoloft for anxiety and panic attacks, and your heart has increasing problems or your insomnia is worse (resulting in more Ambien, then resulting in higher does of Wellbutrin) STOP taking Zoloft and go to a doctor. zOMG were they TRYING to make me more suicidal?
Edit: Also, be sure to talk to your doctor. Don’t just stop treatment and do nothing.
Not only do medications not help but they made things much worse in my experience.
Sometimes they can help, but right now I feel more suicidal by the minute. At least I know for sure now that ambien CR is part of the problem.
Medications can help, but they do have side effects. Anti-depressants as a whole do not generally work all that well or else there wouldn’t be so many depressed people in the world.
lol so true dave_n
These things scare the crap out of me. I’ve evaded professional help both because I’ve heard of zero people ever who they helped, and swathes of people who were made worse, and because if I get a diagnosis and a prescription, my career with my companies is done almost before it started.
As someone who’s currently in a spiral of total insanity caused by not having access to the meds that I know do help (from years of experience), I can say meds can definitely help a lot, but with one caveat; if you find the right ones. It takes some work and patience to find the balance right. Some meds might not work and in fact make things worse; not all meds are the same, though.
And zel… Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Zoloft and Prozac are two meds I cannot ever take again – those two do some awful stuff to me, lol.. I’ve never heard of Ambien being the culprit in that kind of problem, but i can definitely imagine how it could be. Hang in there – things will get better.