Don’t hold you’re breath, I’ve already taken enough of it. I can’t hold on much longer the ropes are killing my hands. I’ve already held on tight enough and I can feel the end. When will it ever be enough. I tried to be that princess, that bad girl, the girl you want. None of it ever worked out so why sit here and torture myself , pretending to be everything you want. Well here it is, the last bottle, the last chance it’s done. I’m done. Goodbye, it’ll never be enough
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Sounds like you are in a relationship gone bad. Trying to be someone your not for someone else. I just hope that you can see past this storm. Because storms do pass. I used to get so caught up in someone else when I was younger and would get so hurt when they went south on me. Then I got married and was married for 20 years. My wife cheated on me numerous times before our divorce. Remarried again and it was a disaster and lasted all of one month. Maybe I lost faith in love relationships for the moment but what I gained was another kind of faith in one who will never leave me and has loved me unconditionally. That is the relationship I am working on and I am finding out the most important one I can have. With that one secure, all else falls into place the way it was supposed to be. Believe.