I was pondering the effiacy stats on suicides. I think people just say ‘na that doesn’t work’ or ‘no you’ll live’ because they don’t want to have to talk to someone who is in pain. My point is that even in all my years in the medical field(admin) and in my personal life I have known of more people far and away who committed suicide as opposed to needing sugery for there half blow off face(albeit we did have a few of these)
This message brought to you by a world who wants to you live but won’t be the one to help you
Agreed. This is how I learned to be ‘so silent’, as many would put it. Talking is more or less futile, no one will listen if the things you say come from a place so far beyond a ‘normal’ comfort zone.
Then again, how exactly does one help another in a situation such as this? I know this disease from experience (it is a disease, I believe, to have one’s survival instinct not working properly), and still would not know what to do. I listen to what people have to say, look for signs and symptoms; I have compassion and try to show it to the best of my ability. I know it is not enough because in the past it was not enough for me.
Sorry for the tl;dr. I guess the question is – how do we help?
That’s all well and good but I still don’t understand what this has to do with batman.
Yep, I think all three of us are in agreement (you, me and will_scarlett) that words are cheap and no one wants to put money where their mouth is. So why say anything at all.
The only way to reveal the answer to your question is to imagine you are them. Observe them in their narural habitat and try and understand the psyche of the average human. Then apply your knowledge and you might just figure out why everyone cares, yet nobody cares.
Maybe I care, maybe I don’t. There’s no way that you could know for sure. Only Smarties have the answer (before anybody asks Smarties are sugar coated chocolate sweets). I don’t have any at the moment.
Hey don’t say SMARTIES UNLESS YOU GOT SOME !!! Man alive. Kidding. Maybe smarties are the answer……
Hi Will,
I thought what you mentioned you did for others(while not enough for yourself) sounds very compassionate and kind. To me in this world the truly amazing things are small/easy however seemingly rare. Then again I will admit I am starved for attention so maybe I blow it out of proportion. I think all three of us would agree how often has someone REALLY listened? We teach our kids to stop asking questions or think for themselves. We don’t teach any social skills or interpersonal skills in schools. Ok I could go on….hope things are ok in everyones world.