O.o ……due to westerner ways Japan, America, Canada has made lolliecon illegal. Lolliecon is not real children it should not be out lawned…..America is too strict……and Japan is kinda foolish to ban things like lolliecon just becuase people take other countries and stuck up people take offends
Note I do not like like lolliecon that much rape Hentai is as addicting as normal mangas/anime …..I prefer it a million more than porn, maybe even real s.x…..(real s.x seems scary)
I think that banning such things is things is wrong on the goverment, they have no rigth to harm the innocents who never physical harmed any one.
What do you all think about the banning of lolliecon.
What the hell is lolliecon???
It’s like cartoon CHILD porn.
Enough said.
is this for real? cartoon child porn? wowwwww the world is fucked up.
It’s not like they are actually kids, it’s not like people being rape in porn is actually being raped. It’s like arresting people for writing a novel in great detail about how the murdered hundreds of people….they isn’t hurt any one …so it’s not hurting anyone
It’s limiting humans rights in the persute of happiness……Iits like putting people who like Hentai in jail……if they out law lolliecon, they migth as well ban, porn, Hentai , strip clubs, alcohol , and the rights people have to quistion the goverment
. But I mean some of the regular anime porn is just as bad. if there going to ban that then they might well ban all anime porn shit.
*Anime porn is neat. lol
I sort of agree with Worth (not the last “anime porn is neat” 😉 ).
They should just ban all of the anime porn.
It gives people a false expectation sexually. They’d be learning to expect something a lot better (in their eyes) than is realistic.
Imagine having to describe that to a partner.
“Just thought you should know, I’d rather you be this completely fictional and unrealistic being because that’s what I’m truly attracted to and that’s what I’d rather fuck. Not you, but that cartoon (who by the way looks eerily similar to a child) on the screen,”.
It’s weird. It’s like enabling the obsession.
Ah well, if it were legal, at least the paedophiles of the world would have something to wank to. Too bad it isn’t anymore. 😉
yeah but its a representation of something in real life thats wrong. why draw it when its not cool at all. its too low. children cmon. cmon now. its illegal now but give it another decade and it will be legal again. as time goes on morals are going down the drain.
Noonoo12. If they are making lolliecon or Hentai illiage becuase of that they migth as well make porn and tv illegal too
Since tv gives people a false expectation reality They’d be learning to expect something a lot better (in their eyes) than in reality . It’s the same thing
Morals are something that each human should have the rigth to pick for there seleves( as long as they aren’t physically harming others) the goverment saying what is rigth and what is wrong when nobody harmed anything , is wrong
But think about it.
They become accustomed to this idea of dominating a little girl sexually. What might that lead to? 😉
By making it legal, it makes people think it’s acceptable to wank over this. These are cartoons based on CHILDREN. I don’t see what you see here.
TV does give people a false sense of reality. But not all of it does that. Stick to all the “reality” shows and that’s all you get. Maybe that’s why I don’t watch TV…
People should decide their own morals… because that’s worked out well 100% of the time.
Many people think it’s acceptable to control women. They chose those morals. You don’t think government intervention to change that is a good thing? Those morals are quite clearly wrong. It may not physically harm someone, but it sure ain’t nice.
what noonoo is saying is 100%. You wouldn’t see lolliecon on tv. your analogies are so extreme they have no basis in reality. they push the boundaries every year with what people are exposed to on tv. but to say that its ok for people to draw children interacting sexually. you know what that person is thinking about. the “artist” is thinking about children in that way. its a slippery slope.
moral relativism is taking our society nowhere but shitcity. everybody is their own master and they can decide what they want to do when they want to do it. thats not the way she goes. im glad the government is banning that shit. its fucking wrong no if ands or buts. absolutely no wiggle room on this issue. same with rape porn. it should be illegal. its depicting something that is plain wrong. regardless if its acting or not. would you walk up to a girl being raped in real life and just stand there and jerk it? fuck no. in movies its different. its not as graphic and “realistic”. most of the time.
and this child porn is harming people. its harming their minds. you get these images in your head and you become numbed out to stuff that should ring some alarm bells.
If you don’t have the sense not to rape little kids, and you whin up in jail that’s your promble , they choice their road if they touched a kid. But not all people who watch lolliecon and Hentai chose that road.
I don’t see much in lolliecon, I do like rape Hentai Dispite the fact that I don’t approve of rape. I just don’t like the goverment outlawing things that cant harm people.
If you turly have intend to rape or molest kids you would do it even if lolliecon or Hentai never existed at all. people who knows the line between forcing real people to do something and drawings people would countioue to stay with in their lines. And if they don’t their would be one less bad person walking around . (no harm done)
Letting the people decide on their morals doesn’t have to work 100% of the time, it shouldn’t work a hundred percent of the time…..that be creepy…..but denying the people choice their morals will only chaos and lead to dictatorship overtime …..plus denying harmless freedom migth even cuase nice people to go to jail or for bad people to become worst people ( like prohibition )
People watch it becuase they can’t do it in real life becuase it’s wrong, but harmless watching….
What I am saying is that tv builds a fake since of reality(even reality tv does it) just like porn….but like you said its not on tv 100 percent of the time
But what is on the tv 1….advertisement … That tells people to spend money on things they don’t need….2. A living stander that is unrealistic if you want to live in comfort…. And 3. A sense of beauty that would make the majority of the people in America and other parts of the world hate there seleves…….
Child rape is wrong but it happens just like homicides and suicides …… I think theirs shouldnt be any subject totally taboo from the world….and that their is way for people to enjoy it with out doing it is great
its not my place to judge. people can do whatever the fuck they want. its just creepy as hell. at the end of the day you gotta draw the line somewhere. there are a few people in government who still hold strong to morality. if you don’t draw a line in the sand people will continue to push the envelope. oh we can get away with this? well lets keep pushing it farther. its what we do as humans. there has to be someone to say its not right. we all know it deep down. when you are watching that shit part of you knows its wrong.
there are some people who will rape or molest regardless. but some people start with this type of filth invading their minds and it begins a thought process that can end with a crime.
when it comes to morals there should always be some room to breathe. which there is. we’re given a playground and we can run around the playground but there needs to be boundaries in place to ensure the safety of society as a whole. im all for democracy. i believe without a doubt the majority would rule in favor of banning lolliecon. just the way it goes. you got porn of all different types. most of which is legal. regardless man you’re going to find ways to get lolliecon if you like it that much. making something illegal doesn’t do away with it. we all know that.
Lol I just don’t want freedom to be limited, I don’t want to go to jail for anything.
I am a girl( who would proably never going to get a boy friend becuase of this lol ) but i don’t want every one going to jail for every little thing…want someone who is making a diffrents going to jail becuase of some imagined characters somebody made up.
And the only boundaries we need to have is the ones limmiting physical harm or words that limited others people’s freedoms……
If the goverment want to do more than that they they need to do it rigth
Lol ^^ death to all useless people
in some ways you’re right. it wouldn’t make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things if somebody went to jail for jerkin it to lolliecon. while others are getting away with murder. personally i love anime and hentai is alright. grew up on dragon ball and dbz. escaflowne. the good stuff. cant forget sailor moon.
there are different types of harm though. mental, emotional. not just physical. some of this shit causes mental harm. its an open door for some people to begin thinking in ways they hadn’t considered before.
there has to be a limit somewhere. it’d be all out anarchy without some regulations. it’d be three ring circus. people do enough screwed up shit with rules. without em it’d be screwed up and i wouldn’t want to go outside to see some dude banging a donkey on my lawn. you think that wouldn’t happen? i have some messed up people on my street. no donkeys…yet.
believe me you can find a guy who is into lolliecon like you. how old are you?
In some of your points you are rigth too, but would it be pretty awesome if people could not be creeped out by everything,
And about the donkey banging……i think if they did it on my property then they would be violating my property lines but if they wanted to bang a doneky on they own yard I wouldn’t care .
People are who let things bother others. Bother you becuase of something they said or did to you is only cuaseing your self harm….
But if you let things go then life would be more civil….
For example I have some friends who was raped by their fathers and they can’t forgive them even thougth they did it once and was lock up for it..
But then you have others like me my other friend who was bruttely abused over the years and completely forgive their fathers…… ( they was locked up too)
Nah I am messed up and is waaaaay to talk ^^
Lol 17 and 6″2 >.>
I am content with never dating….I will just work for a great company(or I can make my own) and buys lots of anime and movies and video games and sweets, and costumes…. And all the episodes for the big bang theory and heros
thats the thing though. if people were allowed to do whatever they wanted and it was a society where anarchy ruled, you wouldn’t have property lines. they could do whatever the fuck they wanted. so you could go and threaten them but they could mess you up with weapons or use the donkey to kick you.
theres no way you can live in a world where nothing bothers you. thats just plain apathy. im getting to that place slowly but everybody has their own values and you gotta stand up for yourself.
it all comes down to live and let live but theres a certain point where you need to step in when people go too far. im not going to comment on the raping because that is horrendous and we have no way of knowing how painful that is. you can’t use that as an example thats just too far. there’s letting things go and then there’s just being retarded. again that example is ridiculous and out of place.
arent we all messed up? you’ll find somebody just give it time. im really messed up and i dated a few girls. not with them anymore but you haven’t lived until you’ve loved or at least tried to. got my first real gf at 16 so you’ll find someone for sure. im 5’6″. im considered short when it comes to guys but girls still found me attractive. lots of tall guys out there.
I am not saying that their shouldn’t be any rules just rules that agree with the presuit of happiness with out retricting others happiness, >.> setting boundaries is nessasary to keep the peace voiletlating someone’s personal space or living area is retricting others happiness…
Here’s an othere example…. Bullying with out the threat of physical harm or destructions of property is nothing but verble abuse , maybe even a harresement ……but it’s harmless if you just let it go…..
A law to stop bullying like that is retarded, getting bully is nessasary in life it build charecter.
I have tryed really hard to love others and I have fell in love with two people……but I come to realize that friendship is overratied >.> I probably don’t need it
How old are you now?
Do have you ever felt that friendship is over rated?
^^ short guys don’t like tall girls ……theirs not many tall guys but what ever………
What’s your favorite anime, I just finished drangon ball it was pretty cool.
fuck no. are you kidding me? that’s what drives so many to suicide. verbal/emotional abuse. fucking with people with words is more damaging than physical much of the time. you can see physical bruises. you cant see emotional/mental scars.
nobody needs that to build character believe me. there are plenty of other trials in ones life that build character without being shit on by people who believe themselves to be superior. thats why so many people come to this forum because people are speaking lies all over them. words have the power of life and death and if you don’t believe that you’re deluded.
you can use any adversity to “build character”. doesnt make it right. they are cracking down on bullying in that way now because there have been to many innocent lives lost to careless words and evil grins. nah fuck that you’re views are out of whack.
you and I both know you have been subject to people calling you names throughout your life. it damaged you whether you admit it or not. could you have done without that? of course. growing up in an abusive home where careless words were thrown around my whole lends perspective to this.
all this to say live and let live but if you’re intentionally fucking with people then fuck you.
*generalized you.
friendship can be overrated. i miss having friends though. i miss having a life and doing shit with people. im 24 now. i’ve had some friends stab me in the back before so i know what you mean. i still like some people though. growing up i was a social guy and had a few good guys i could count on. grew up with a brotherhood really. best memories in my life were with my friends. they gave up on me though as i fell deeper into depression and mental garbage.
some short guys dont have a problem with tall girls. all depends on the person. plenty of taller guys than me lol.
fav anime would have to be dragonball z. hands down. escaflowne would be my 2nd favorite. did you read the manga or watch the anime? the manga is super sick for dragonball and dbz.
Killswitchon I am very sorry lollircon is probably better off being illegal I don’t know what I was saying yesterday
I give up on both friend ship and lovey dovey things…….I can’t wait to start over in college……..
I read the watched most of drangon ball at one point but recently I just read all of it
Oh and I am not a bully I nevered bullied in my life and I am not trolling any one , my words are my honest feelings
Yeah I totally get that. And if you still hold to your original perspective no respect lost. Also changing your mind is you prerogative and you can do that whenever you want. I didn’t think you were trolling at all.
Don’t give up on love. You’ll find it when you least expect it. trust.
^^ thanks for understanding ……lol some days. My morals and innocent are completely lost for a temporary amount of it time
^^ I need to grow up , if I want to change the world I have to think long term effects …and I need to choice my words more with care……..
Oh and thanks or trying to keep my hopes up, you should eep your hopes up too, maybe you fine something funner than friend ship