i wish badly i had never been born. i never asked to be born. Life is sucks!
any idea how to kill ourself without pain and make it like an accident?
i wish badly i had never been born. i never asked to be born. Life is sucks!
any idea how to kill ourself without pain and make it like an accident?
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I have found a way.. but I am forcing myself to wait for 2 more years before I do it. I hope to look for a suicide buddy actually to make my last journey more enjoyable before I move on to the other world. if you are keen you can email me.
I use to want to make it “look like an accident” but I thought about the reason I wanted to make it look that way. I only wanted it to look that way to spare my family the shame of knowing I committed suicide then I realized its not anything to be ashamed about because I’m not doing anything wrong….the only reason some people are ashamed of suicidal deaths in their family is because of the societal view and attitude about it. I won’t infringe on anybodies rights, I’m not killing anybody else , I’m not doing anything with the specific purpose of hurting anybody. So fuck what other people think about my decision …I may care about what they think while I’m alive but I sure as hell won’t once I’m dead.
You know, there will never be THE perfect way to commit suicide and don’t let it look like an accident. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your suicidal thoughts, see how many people are on this site, and that want to die.
me to i wish i had never been born I want to die evary day