Here is the horrible design flaw in all living things, we have more than enough pain receptors but no off switch! Life wouldn’t be scary if we did have a switch, if we were suffering and there was no way out, simply we would flip our switch and die. Sort of like the scene in A.I. the “flesh fair”. I think there is a part where one of the androids says “please turn off my pain receptors” before he is tortured.  It is not being able to turn ourselves off that makes life so horrific.
Yeah but our bodies are weird things one day they can just decided you’re goin to die without any say from you or make ya live till your a hundred. Thats the scary thing about life its like jumping off a cliff you dont know if you’ll land safely or die trying.
Lets say this this scenario were reality and we did have pain switches that enabled us to not feel pain. We would die at a far more faster rate than we do now. Pain isn’t the cause it is only the effect. The cause behind the pain is the real enemy. Pain is there to let you know your body is damaged. Like when you fall and scrape your knee you feel pain because your knee is damaged. Without pain humans would be doing all types of crazy shit and without pain to let them know that they’re not okay they would continue until they were dead. Like if I put my hand in fire and turned off the receptors then I would damage my hand beyond the ability to heal because without pain I don’t feel the damage. I think pain is needed…. not to hurt you but rather to let you know you are not okay… that something is wrong. I think what needs to be “turned off” and eradicated is the evilness, wickedness, misery, suffering, and agony in the world.
However, we do have an “off switch” in a way. Its just that its called “suicide” and not the off switch. I know what you mean though like a light switch that we could just turn off and die. I think even if we did have one of those….mankind would have found some way to disable it to where we are unable to use it just like they have with the painless and peaceful suicide methods. They make it hard for you to utilize your off switch by taking away the painless methods of suicide as a deterrent.
@Painlife there is a condition that allows you to not feel pain. Leprosy. Count Baldwin the IV of Jerusalem was a leper. He felt no pain. Lepers dont feel physical pain.
I know there are conditions that prevent you from feeling pain but if you look those individuals up they need to be highly supervised because they hurt themselves badly and since they don’t feel pain they don’t know they are hurt. I saw a case on T.V once I can’t recall the program at this time but a little girl had the condition and her parents said that she would do all types of things to herself like burn her hand with a lighter and she didn’t know it was doing any damage to her because she didn’t feel pain
Well duh but thats because they cant feel it. If you don’t feel pain how do yoh know its hurting you? And actually Baldwin was quite independent for being a leper. Turning off pain sensors means less caution. Theres a book where magic existed. In it one faction created soldiers who’s pain receptors were shut off magically, they were left with enough sense to know they were awake and what they had to do. They would keep fighting even if they were just a torso with an arm. They decimated armies. They died in karge numbers though and more easily because they knew they could notfeel pain so they became reckless.
NO turning off pain sensors mean extreme caution and vigilance because you lack the ability to know when you are damaged through feeling. Without pain we would all be dead we probably wouldn’t even be here typing now. Think about it a simple splinter in your foot gets infected and becomes gang green then kills you because you were unaware of the splinter? Simply petty injuries would become nightmares.
._. settle down bairn. When i said it means less caution i meant that the people with little to no pain sensors become less cautious because they can’t feel pain and they essentially forget to not touch a hot pan fresh off the stove.